ashes/dots if possible).
Any help is much appreciated.
*Henrique C. S. Junior*
Químico Industrial - UFRRJ
Mestrando em Química Inorgânica - UFRRJ
Centro de Processamento de Dados
gt; You can also adjust the sphere size with:
>> set sphere_scale, number, selection
>> Best Wishes,
>> --
>> *From:* Henrique C. S. Junior
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:30 AM
>> *To:* pymol-users@lists.sourceforg
PyMol but I'm sure that PyMol can produce beautiful results.
Is there any way to change the thickness of my Ball and Stick bonds (to a
thinner one)?
Thanks in advance
*Henrique C. S. Junior*
Químico Industrial - UFRRJ
Mestrando em Química Inorgânica - UFRRJ
Centro de Processamento