[PyMOL] rtools from .pml scripts

2004-10-07 Thread Christian Rummey
x [...] pymol launches as usual after that, and I also can use rtools commands without problems within it. ideas? thanks, christian -- Christian Rummey

[PyMOL] (no subject)

2004-04-22 Thread Christian Rummey
hi ppl, is there a way to sort the list of objects/selections in the panel on the right side other than loading/selecting stuff in a specific order? simple example: I compare several ligands in a specific site, and save the data as pymol sessions; after adding new ligands//site conformations I'd

[PyMOL] SGI Crystal Eyes Problem

2004-01-28 Thread Christian Rummey
gi? any hints ary highly appreciated! thanks, christian -- Christian Rummey -- +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More +++ Bis 31.1.: TopMail + Digicam für nur 29 EUR http://www.gmx.net/topmail