Hi there,
I used the side chain helper option to create a binding site in the
protein. However I want include a glycine, which doesn't show up. Even
when I create an extra object with the glycine and an neighbouring
residue I didn't get the carbonyl oxygen atom of glycine and I don't
want to s
kep the aspect ratio. E.G. could pymol than automatically reduce the
pixelsize or increase it?
Best Regards
Christian Roth
Strukturanalytik von Biopolymeren
Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie
Universität Leipzig
Deutscher Platz 5
04103 Leipzig
Email christian.r...@bbz.uni
It works. This was a centos45 version of pymol.
Does anyone has encountered a similar error and found a more elegant solution
than just using an old pymol for such calculations?
Thank you very much in advance for your help an suggestions.
Best Regards
Christian Roth
> Also I've found the same software- pose view (in that article
> >>>
> >>>I've also
> >>>
> >>> > found link on it). Its very friendly but I've noticed some erorrs
> >>>
> >>>during
Hi James,
LigPlot is free for academic users. You just have to verify that you are a
academic user. MOE does a simimlar representiation but is definitely not free.
Live Security Virtual Conference
Hi James,
the program you can use for this is ligplot from Roman Laskowski at the EBI.
the solvent accessability shading is done with the help of naccess.
Best Regards
Am Dienstag 26 Juni 2012 08:07:07 schrieben Sie:
> By the way
> in some papers I've seen 2D schematic diagrams
Dear all,
it is nice to set via mouse wheel the clipping. Is it possible to get this
values somewhere out of pymol that one could use the actual values in a
script? I find it a bit complicated and time consuming to play always a few
times with the values in a script, to find values which looks
Dear all,
I used Castp for a pocket analysis. If i displax a mesh I have a continous
representation. If I use surface representation just parts are displayed,
probably as a result that just parts of the aminoacids are used to define the
pocket, I guess. Is it possible to create a surface like
ist there a list of example letters for the availbale fonts in pymol? It would
be nice to see which font may produce a more italic like expression or which a
more roman or Arial like font.
Thanks and Best wishes
Dear all,
I want label a few distances independently with my own labels. I set a label
in the form
label /wt//A/THR`254/CA, "10.0"+ u"\u00c5".encode('utf-8')
which I can move independently using the set label positio command.
If I incorporate a second label and try to change the position with t
Dear all,
I have a two chain protein and I want translat and rotate it using the
commands translate and rotate. It is complicate to choose the rigth angel,
because I cannot see the rotation axis. Is there a way to draw the axis system
for the objects to see around which axis and how much I must
Dear all,
I have incorporated a bond to a symmetry related molecule in my structure and
I want see this bond in my picture. Is it possible to visualize this bond in
Thansk in advance for your help.
Christian Roth
Institut für Bioanalytische Chemie
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