Re: [PyMOL] raytraced labels

2004-08-26 Thread Anthony Duff
he picture is cluttered# Then, in the picture editing program, I add text labels, based on the fuzzy grey ray traced labels, and then transfer them to the unlabelled ray traced pictures. Anthony ------ Anthony Duff Postdocto

[PyMOL] Thermal ellipsoids, anisotropic b-factors

2003-07-08 Thread Anthony Duff
Can pymol, or will it in the near future, work with anisotropic b-factors and display thermal ellipsoids? Alternatively, can pymol do anything with the output of rastep? Anthony -- Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of

Re: [PyMOL] Stereo labeled figs?, even with powerpoint!

2003-06-12 Thread Anthony Duff
sense. Just email if you want more details. Scott ------ Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences Biochemistry Building, G08 University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Phone. 61-2-9351-7817 Fax. 61-2-9351-4726 --

Re: [PyMOL] select buried water molecules

2003-05-20 Thread Anthony Duff ------ Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences Biochemistry Building, G08 University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Phone. 61-2-9351-7817 Fax. 61-2-9351-4726 --

Re: [PyMOL] RE: Stereo pictures, light vector and shadows

2003-04-29 Thread Anthony Duff
t; ray > png image2.png > turn y,-6 > > Cheers, > Warren ------ Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences Biochemistry Building, G08 University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Austra

Re: [PyMOL] Stereo pictures, light vector and shadows

2003-04-22 Thread Anthony Duff
ters? Anthony ------ Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences Biochemistry Building, G08 University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Phone. 61-2-9351-7817 Fax. 61-2-9351-4726 --

[PyMOL] ribbons or cartoons with Calpha coordinates

2003-01-29 Thread Anthony Duff
I would like to show ribbons and cartoons based upon Calpha coordinates. Is there a way this can be done short of generating the other mainchain atoms? Anthony -- Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular and

[PyMOL] stop an accidental or problematic ray trace

2003-01-28 Thread Anthony Duff
It would be nice if there were a button to stop a ray trace, for when it is started accidentally, or if something is wrong and it is taking too long. Is there one? -- Anthony Duff Postdoctoral Fellow School of Molecular