[PyMOL] How to print the time stample on each frame of the movie for molecular dynamics trajectory in Pymol?

2020-01-14 Thread sunyeping via PyMOL-users
Dear All, I load a molecular dynamics (gromacs) trajectory into Pymol and wish to make a movie with it. The trajectory contains 2500 frames, corresponding to 200 ns simulation time, so each frame represents 80 ps. I wish to print time stample on each stample. For example, on the first frame, "

Re: [PyMOL] How to see a homotetramer

2020-01-14 Thread Roger Rowlett
fetch 6h07, type=pdb1 Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus Department of Chemistry Colgate University On Tue, Jan 14, 2020, 3:42 AM Clelia Canova wrote: > Hi! > > I’m studying the file *6H07. pdb *for a project, download for rcsb.com. > How can I see the Biological Assembly

Re: [PyMOL] How to see a homotetramer

2020-01-14 Thread Ali Kusay
Hi Clelia, You can use the split_states command on 6h07 to make each frame an object, If you want to combine them into a single object, use the following to make the chains unique: alter 6h07_0002 and chain A, chain = 'C' alter 6h07_0002 and chain B, chain = 'D' Then combine using: create 6h07_

[PyMOL] How to see a homotetramer

2020-01-14 Thread Clelia Canova
Hi! I’m studying the file 6H07. pdb for a project, download for rcsb.com. How can I see the Biological Assembly on Pymol like in PDB, instead of seeing only the monomer (asymmetric unit). In the screen I see 6h07 1/4 and not 4/4. In the commander zone it’s written: ” Detected 4 cpu cores. Enab