dear all,
I am trying to compile pymol from source
( Python 3 and python 2
both have been installed in my system. I first tried compile pymol with python 3
python3 install --prefix=~/pymol-install-py3
It can work.
python3 setu
Dear all,
I am trying to use APBS TOOLs 2.1 to calculate electrostatic potential of
proteins. After I finish "set grid", I press the "set grid" button, I get the
following error,
(, ImportError('No module named pdb2pqr',),
In show error 2
Could you tell what is the cause of the error and h
Hi Joe,
There can be atoms without coordinates. In particular, when loading mmCIF
files, PyMOL fills in dummy-CA atoms for missing residues, to provide a
complete sequence display in the sequence viewer.
"alter" iterates over all atoms, including those without coordinates.
"iterate_state" only