When you use the alter command, then rebuild, and then save the PyMOL session
as a .pse file, the changes will be written into the .pse file. They will not
be lost when you reopen the .pse file.
The alter command doesn’t do anything to the actual .pdb or .cif file. It’s my
understanding that wh
Thank you vevry much Annemarie it worked
Stéphane Abel, Ph.D.
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
Centre de Saclay DSV/ISVFJ/SB2SM
Bat 528, Office 138C
Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 FRANCE
Phone (portable) : +33 6 49
Dear Annemarie,
Thank you very much it worked !!!
Stéphane Abel, Ph.D.
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
Centre de Saclay DSV/ISVFJ/SB2SM
Bat 528, Office 138C
Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 FRANCE
Phone (
Dear Stéphane,
by default, the cartoon representation takes its color from the color of the
c-alpha atoms of your protein.
However, you can override this default and assign a specific color to the
cartoon representation of a given selection by:
set cartoon_color, color, (selection)
Hi Adam
OK I can colored each chain with different colors. But it is not exactly what I
want. Indeed in the figure*
- the AA are in sticks with the different colors for each atom --> I can do
- the beta sheet in the monomer are in red and blue ---> I can "not" do this
even if I use yo