Thanks for the tip Adam!
However, it would be nice to make movies in the way I requested.
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 12:41 AM, H. Adam Steinberg <> wrote:
> I get around this by rendering both items separately and then combining
> the two images in photoshop.
> I
Fellow pyMOLers,
I am trying to build pyMOL on FreeBSD. It was once supported and offered as
a port, however this is not the case anymore. In my effort to bring pyMOL
back to FreeBSD I decided to tinker with the most recent pyMOL version,
that being v1.8+.
So far, I managed to re-adjust the prefi
Hi Jared,
The extend function must set an attribute "my_func" on cmd. You can test
for that with hasattr:
while not hasattr(cmd, "my_func"):
# wait some more
Hope it helps,
On Feb 16, 2016 20:07, "Sampson, Jared M."
> To my previous message I should add that it works fine if
To my previous message I should add that it works fine if I do:
import pmg_tk.startup.my_plugin as mp
but I'd like to use the `cmd.my_func()` version, so that `my_func` will work in
a .pml script.
>From `help(cmd)` I found `cmd.kw_list`, but this apparently doesn't include
Hi PyMOLers -
Maybe some more experienced users/developers can help me out here. I'm trying
to write some automated test scripts for the plugin I'm writing, but the test
functions end up running before the plugin is loaded. Is there a way to tell
if a plugin has been loaded from within a .pml
I get around this by rendering both items separately and then combining the two
images in photoshop.
Is there a way to do what Nasir is asking directly in PyMOL?
> On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:15 AM, Nasir Bashiruddin wrote:
> Hello!
> So, I've had this problem for a while now.
> I have a
So, I've had this problem for a while now.
I have a ligand that goes deep into a protein.
I have the ligand with stick representation.
I have the protein in cartoon representation.
I have both ligand and protein surfaced with 0.5 transparencies.
The ligand surface is yellow and the pro