Re: [PyMOL] attribute error

2014-09-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Hena, the measurement_color function has been accidentally left out, this will be fixed in the next Open-Source PyMOL release (it's not broken in Incentive PyMOL Meanwhile, use the color command on the command line to change measurement colors, like: PyMOL> color blue, measure01

[PyMOL] Fwd: Residue-residue contacts from PDB

2014-09-08 Thread bhumika arora
Dear Pymol users, I wish to know how to calculate residue-residue contacts from a PDB file. Where, contact definition is : two residues are considered to be in contact if the minimal distance of their side chain or backbone heavy atoms is < 5.5A ˚ . Specifically, I want to calculate inter-helical

Re: [PyMOL] Access to pymol commands from the terminal

2014-09-08 Thread James Starlight
Ok, ProFit has been passed :D Now I'm looking for some software which could do the same least-square fitting for the ensemble of the structures taken it as the separate pdbs from the work dir (I'm not sure if the mustang software could be useful for this task)=> because looping using ProFit might

Re: [PyMOL] Shell utilities for structural bioinformatics

2014-09-08 Thread James Starlight
Thanks you very much! James 2014-09-05 20:18 GMT+02:00 Folmer Fredslund : > Hi > > Small correction to Gianlucas suggestion > > ">" will direct the output to a file, overwriting the contents > ">>" will direct the output to a file, appending the contents > > Venlig hilsen > Folmer Fredslund > De

Re: [PyMOL] pymol 3D movies

2014-09-08 Thread Christoph Parthier
Hi, ...a more simplicistic approch to generate side-by-side stereo PNG files from an animation in PyMOL would be to activate wall-eye stereo in PyMOL (stereo walleye) and double the x dimension of your graphics windows (viewport command). Then use the 'Save Movie as... PNG' command (mpng...).