[PyMOL] 2nd Call For Papers, 20th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2013

2013-04-09 Thread Andreas Kupries
[[ Notes: Karl Lehenbauer of FlightAware is confirmed as our Keynote speaker. http://www.flightaware.com ]] 20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013) http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/ September 23 - 27, 2013 Bourbon Orleans Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana, USA http://www.bourbonorleans.co

[PyMOL] Quicktime movie saving

2013-04-09 Thread Jianghai Zhu
Hi, In MacPymol, I can save a movie as a quicktime movie by "File->Save Movie As->Quicktime…". What is the equivalent command for this function? Thanks. --Jianghai -- Precog is a next-generation analytics platform cap

[PyMOL] conect records?

2013-04-09 Thread Boris Kheyfets
Hello PyMOL users, I study system which has 160919 residues, and 217021 atoms (it is initially a gromacs' gro file). Is there a way I can display conections correctly in PyMOL? -- With great respect, Boris. -- Precog is a