So some brief background, I am writing a pymol plugin for displaying
pharmacophores queries from ZincPharmer (
http://zincpharmer.csb.pitt.edu/), which is developed in my lab. Version
1 of my plugin is available here:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pharmer/files/ under the name load_query
Hi Matt,
There's currently no easy way to do this. Can you please send us some
screenshots of what you'd like to see implemented?
-- Jason
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Matthew Baumgartner wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it now possible to have wire mesh cgo object spheres in pymol?
> I found thi
If you need a global variable, use pymol.stored
Thank You Thomas -- that solves it.
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Boris Kheyfets wrote:
> Found a solution.
> Basically it is to add
> pmg_tk/startup/newmenu.py
> file with the following content:
> from Tkinter import *
> from
Hi Alex,
sculpting is not the right tool for your task. PyMOL has all the basic
editing features like rotating around a bond etc. Enter "Editing" mode,
pick a bond with the mouse and rotate around the bond by pressing CTRL
and click-dragging a second atom.
You can enter Editing Mouse Mode by c
Hi Boris,
Boris Kheyfets wrote, On 10/23/12 19:28:
> But I want bk_hides_W to be a toggler. So I need a way to set a state of
> my defun.
> If I do
> def bk_toggles_W ():
> "Hides W molecules."
> if cmd.get("bk_toggles_W"):
> cmd.hide("all")
> cmd.show("spheres", "n