I am trying to import a BioPython module into a pymol script but pymol can'
find it. When I import it from the DOS>python command line it imports fine.
Obviously pymol isn't looking in the right place for the module. Is there a
way to force pymol to look in the right place?
Bradley J. Hintze
When aligning two structures using the align function is there an easy
way of generating the list of atoms kept for the final refinement?
Jason P. Rife, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
P.O Box 980133
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 2329
Now it works!!
En/na Warren DeLano ha escrit:
> (Sorry if this is dupe -- my email client is acting up...)
> the rms_* and fit commands required that the atoms in each selection to have
> matching identifiers: such as chain, resi, segi, resn, etc. You can use the
> "alter" c