Re: [PyMOL] rotating "maps" ??

2008-11-10 Thread Thomas Stout
Ah Ha! Yes, that does the trick Many thanks to all for that solution! -Tom -Original Message- From: Mauricio Esguerra [] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 1:23 PM To: Thomas Stout Cc: Subject: Re: [PyMOL] rotating "m

Re: [PyMOL] rotating "maps" ??

2008-11-10 Thread Mauricio Esguerra
Hi Thomas, Try turn instead of rotate, that might work. Good luck, +++ + Mauricio Esguerra Neira + + T.A. and Graduate Student + + Wilma K. Olson Group+ + Chemistry and Chemical Biology De

Re: [PyMOL] rotating "maps" ??

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew . Franklin
"Thomas Stout" wrote on 11/10/2008 04:01:19 PM: > pymol> rotate x, 90 > Hi Tom - This command rotates the *object* by 90 degrees about x (and apparently not the maps etc.) What you want is: pymol> turn x, 90 which rotates the *viewpoint* by 90 degrees, so everything seems to move. HTH, M

[PyMOL] rotating "maps" ??

2008-11-10 Thread Thomas Stout
Hi All -- I've just stumbled into an odd behavior that is either a bug, or more likely my mis-understanding some aspect of how PyMOL works. I've created "low resolution" surfaces on a hetero-meric protein complex to illustrate the packing together of various protein chains. I've made these su

[PyMOL] Camera Orientation

2008-11-10 Thread QT
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding camera orientation. I'm using pymol to explore the surface of the peptide tunnel in the ribosome and would like to change the camera orientation so that I can look around "in there" without getting occluded. Clipping plane is not useful because I don't