Re: [PyMOL] stereo on

2006-09-07 Thread Esben Jannik Bjerrum
Hi All The Xorg >< Stereo problem might also be related to the driver versions of NVIDIA with new distributions. FX cards seem to be fine with 8xxx series of driver, while stereo might not work with quadro 4 cards (980XGL and similar). Theres a thread at nvnews with some info and a patch to make

[PyMOL] centre dynamic zoom

2006-09-07 Thread Dan White
Hi Warren et al, I just stumbled across a really nice visual feature in pymol I never realised was there. When you double middle click on an atom to centre the point of rotation there, it smoothly "zooms" to that atom in a very visually pleasing manner. Looks really nice when showing peop

Re: [PyMOL] [Re: Help for Stereo 3D on Linux?]

2006-09-07 Thread Savvas Savvides
Dear PyMol developers, I can also confirm that adding a "Stereo 3" option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf suffices to run pymol in stereo mode on a 64bit system with the Nvidia Quadro FX1400 under Red Hat Enterprise 4 (RHEL4). Adding the following modeline (determined via /usr/bin/gtf): ModeLine "1280x