Hey all,
I recently made a cone class that will display cones using pymol
cgo's. I built the cones using triangles as suggested by Warren Now
I need to get the cones oriented properly, so I was wondering if it's
possible to apply a GL or rotation matrix when making the cgo. I
guess if I can't do
Chris and Others,
Yes, there is at least one outstanding issue with the "new" MacPyMOL
that is unrelated to OpenGL. If you experience a crash on startup, then
please email crash logs to me (copy and paste from the report error
window), along with a system profile.
Apple Menu->About This Mac->M
MacPyMOL Users,
For those experiencing performance and/or flicker issues under 10.4.3,
please update to 0.99Beta29 -- this should be the fastest, most stable
MacPyMOL to date (~2-4X faster than betas 26-28).
Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Hi Michael,
I notiuced no-one has posted anything so here goes.
Start with
align 1abc, 1target
which will superimpose 1abc onto 1target
then from here you can select the non homologous regions (using display
sequence and highlight from here and colour to your hearts content. I'm
sure there are
One of the great things about PyMOL is that you get the code right away.
One of the worst things about it is that you get the code long before
any documentation exists. Most of that code is new or overhauled as of
Here are some things to try:
set cartoon_ring_mode, 1 (or 2 or 3
what about Caver:
very nice and it works very well
2005/11/7, Bingding Huang :
> Dear all,
> I download CASTpyMOL.pyc and put it in the right folder.
> Now I want to use it for detecting cavity for 50 proteins. I don't want
> to do tha
How do I get the dna backbone (currently represented as a tube) be
represented as a fancy helix like in the picture on the pymol website?
- Mark
I'm trying out the new beta version of PyMOL to make a figure with a DNA
ladder cartoon. I was wondering if there is a setting for connecting the
two DNA strands with a single bar instead of two short bars that don't
quite connect and are not parallel. I don't need the DNA to be accurate
just loo
Dear all,
I download CASTpyMOL.pyc and put it in the right folder.
Now I want to use it for detecting cavity for 50 proteins. I don't want
to do that one after one by hand.
Is it possible to write a python (pymol) script to do that automatically?
Thanks a lot!