[PyMOL] favorite programming languages

2003-11-24 Thread wgscott
Nat et al: 1. For fortran, there is also an f2py interface: http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/ 2. Some things just seem far easier in perl, like is there a one line python-equivalent for this: perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g' myfile.txt ? 3. There is now a python-objective C bridge if you want

[PyMOL] Still stereo inversion problem

2003-11-24 Thread Dirk Kostrewa
Dear PyMol users, I still have the problem, that rather frequently the hardware stereo is inverted on my linux box (RedHat 9.0/XFree86 4.3.0/Nvidia Quadro4 980 XGL with Nvidia driver 1.0-4496). I thought that I have solved the problem by setting and exporting the environment variable __GL_SYNC_