antialiasing does different things to the rendering than
doubling the image size can fix/make better.
I would keep antialiasing and go through the added work
of cropping the image.
> This is a known bug when using antialiasing. You can either remove the
> border in Photoshop or equivalent
Hi Raji,
This is a known bug when using antialiasing. You can either remove the
border in Photoshop or equivalent editing program or render your image
2X larger and turn off antialiasing.
I hope this helps,
On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 09:33 AM, raji wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Hi Everyone,
Somehow I keep getting a dotted border on the edge of the image whenever I
have been saving images the past few times.
I don't know if I turned something on. Can't figure out what though!
How can I get rid of it in Pymol?
Raji Edayathumangalam
Dept. of Biochemistry & Mol