> Has anyone been succesful in depicting a membrane surface in pymol? The
> archives showed a similar question from John Maynes but no answer.
> I would like to render my protein above a membrane surface as cover art for a
> soon-to-be published paper.
I'm not entirely sure I understand the quest
Try turning off "roving_origin"
set roving_origin,0
Also, I think the zooming only happens in orthoscopic mode -- I may be
able to get rid of that side-effect.
Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LL
I've created .phi files using Grasp and DelPhi. When
I use the Grasp .phi files in PyMOL, everything works
great, but when I use the DelPhi .phi files, things go
wrong. The range goes to insane numbers and the
surface coloring doesnt work. Grasp would be fine to
use, but Grasp is only on the SGI
Pymolians -
Has anyone been succesful in depicting a membrane surface in pymol? The
archives showed a similar question from John Maynes but no answer.
I would like to render my protein above a membrane surface as cover art for a
soon-to-be published paper.
Anyone willing to share their wo
That's likely the problem.
If you need to reduce RAM consumption during raytracing (at the cost of
performance), try reducing hash_max to 80 or 60.
set hash_max,60
Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)
Two suggestions:
If you know that residues will always contain one and only one of a
given atom type, then you can just use "count_atoms"
For example:
number=cmd.count_atoms("name ca")
Alternatively, you can have PyMOL create a dictionary of all residues:
import pymol
pymol.stored.dict = {}