I was wondering if there is a way to colour by a structure by
Hi Carly,
This is a quick hack I wrote some time ago, but it kind of does the
job... (of course I see much room for improvement!)
# color_h
# ---
# PyMOL command to color protein molecules according to the Eise
You're bumping up against a 63-character limit I currently have for any one
individual argument in PyMOL's internal parser. Obviously I need to either
safeguard that limitation to prevent a crash or eliminate it. You can still do
this in a single selection, as follows
select pock
there is a problem in pymol 0.86 under W2K using a long list of residues in
a selection.
When I use:
select pocket = (P_338437 and (resi
pymol generates an error and exits.
Splitting the selection into 2
I was wondering if there is a way to colour by a structure by hydrophobicity.