The easiest way to do this is to split the objects and then use the rotate
# save as a ".pml" file...
load 1FJ1.pdb
# split PDB file
create anti=(chain F)
create fab=(chain A,B)
# delete original object
delete 1FJ1
# color objects
color green,fab
color pink,anti
# color
I am wondering if one can move one segment (in my case, an antigen
protein) relative to the rest of the complex (antibody) using PyMOL.
So far I have only been able to translate/rotate the entire complex.
I would like to manually "undock" the complex for an illustration
From: George Nicola
>I've tried several settings and commands but cannot figure out how to make
>a simple ball-and-stick representation of a molecule. Can it be done in
Yes, but it is non-obvious:
hide lines
show sticks
show spheres
set stick_radius=0.1
set sphere_scale=0.25
>>> Marc Saric 29.09.2002 18:28 >>>
> Nuvision and Crystaleyes wireless glasses and emitters are
> interchangeable.
Be carefull! Unfortunately I had to find out that this only works in
one way: Nuvission glasses do work with Nuvission and Stereographics
emitters. But a Nuvission emitt