RE: [PyMOL] util.mroll & movie rate

2002-05-06 Thread Byron DeLaBarre
Hi Ricardo - You can install this open-source contribution to pymol. It was distributed with v.80, but isn't working in the publicly available distribution I think because of some changes Warren made to the pymol code. The command is 'movie.tdroll' so type help movie.tdroll for advice on how to

[PyMOL] extract molecule information

2002-05-06 Thread Robert Campbell
Dear Warren and fellow pymol hackers, How would I go about getting information that has been stored about a molecule when it is read in. For example, say I do: load protein.pdb and the PDB file contains crystallographic symmetry information. Is there some easy way of getting at the values f

[PyMOL] util.mroll & movie rate

2002-05-06 Thread Ricardo Aparicio
Dear users: Sorry if these are trivial questions for you but I am in trouble and any help is very welcomed: 1) How to use util.mroll to rotate around another axis other than Y axis ? 2) how to control the speed of a movie? (it is possible to change size and number of images but I think there

RE: [PyMOL] problem importing pymol.cmd module

2002-05-06 Thread DeLano, Warren
Michael, A present, you can't simply "import" the PyMOL program as a module. You need to use PyMOL as your Python interpreter. You can use "Run" from the File menu or the "run" command from within PyMOL. PyMOL>cd c:\some_directory PyMOL>run Since you are under windows, you can