Hi Ricardo -
You can install this open-source contribution to pymol. It was distributed
with v.80, but isn't working in the publicly available distribution I think
because of some changes Warren made to the pymol code.
The command is 'movie.tdroll' so type help movie.tdroll for advice on how to
Dear Warren and fellow pymol hackers,
How would I go about getting information that has been stored about a
molecule when it is read in. For example, say I do:
load protein.pdb
and the PDB file contains crystallographic symmetry information. Is
there some easy way of getting at the values f
Dear users:
Sorry if these are trivial questions for you but I am in trouble and any
help is very welcomed:
1) How to use util.mroll to rotate around another axis other than Y axis ?
2) how to control the speed of a movie?
(it is possible to change size and number of images but I think there
A present, you can't simply "import" the PyMOL program as a module. You
need to use PyMOL as your Python interpreter.
You can use "Run" from the File menu or the "run" command from within PyMOL.
PyMOL>cd c:\some_directory
PyMOL>run myscript.py
Since you are under windows, you can