> With openvz 7 just being released
> (https://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/announce/2016-July/000664.html), are there
> any possible plans to add openvz back into the latest proxmox versions?
No (no way). We moved to LXC long time ago...
pve-devel ma
On 07/26/2016 04:52 PM, Alex Wacker wrote:
With openvz 7 just being released
(https://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/announce/2016-July/000664.html), are there
any possible plans to add openvz back into the latest proxmox versions?
OpenVZ, while the same name is now not the container t
With openvz 7 just being released
(https://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/announce/2016-July/000664.html), are there
any possible plans to add openvz back into the latest proxmox versions?
Alex Wacker
pve-devel mailing list