mmm, seem that
AddressOnParent is indeed the disk location on the controller,
but on the provided ovf example, they are 2 differents controllers (parent=4 &&
(I don't known how vmware manage disk, 1controller with multliples disk, or
1controller by disk. Maybe it's related to vm mac
On 21/12/2020 16:32, alexandre derumier wrote:
> On 03/12/2020 08:36, Dominic Jäger wrote:
>> Please try changing the AddressOnParent values so that they are unique.
>> As you mentioned, the disks should then be attached with different numbers
>> scsi0, scsi1, scsi2...
> Hi,
> I wonder if th
On 03/12/2020 08:36, Dominic Jäger wrote:
Please try changing the AddressOnParent values so that they are unique.
As you mentioned, the disks should then be attached with different numbers
scsi0, scsi1, scsi2...
I wonder if the current proxmox ovs parser is not wrong.
Seem than "adressOn
Please try changing the AddressOnParent values so that they are unique.
As you mentioned, the disks should then be attached with different numbers
scsi0, scsi1, scsi2...
If it still doesn't work, then you can also create a VM and add each disk
manually by using qm importdisk. For example,
qm imp
We are moving VMs from vmware to proxmox
The process follows:
- export the VM using ovftool
- import using qm importovf
We are facing an issue on multi-disk VM: all the disks are attached as
scsi0 (which fails, and abort the process)
From /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLI/, that value came