After a quick read of the 'Installation Guide' at I see
that there is either tar or distro options. I looked at distro option
and see that for redhat there is only outdated
puppet-0.25.5-1.el5.noarch.rpm at
. No rpms for 2.6.4. A
ner => root, group => root, mode => 440
puppetmasterd --mkusers
cd /var/lib/puppet
chown -R puppet:puppet .
cd /etc/puppet
chown -R puppet:puppet .
On Jan 5, 10:46 am, "" wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2011, at 10:24 AM, pzi wrote:
File content is just a small part of what puppet classes generally do.
Average module if coded properly will include number of operations
like starting/configuring services, cron jobs, editing files,
installing packages, etc. and I think the only way to satisfy that
average change control 'revert'
ll our initial changes, as we add more and more to
> puppet, will have a puppet-less 'revert" procedure:
> - Change via puppet.
> - Revert (the old way)t:
> for host in hosts:
> ssh to host
> run command1
> run command2
> Thanks,
> M