I am new to writing code for puppet. I installed biemond/jdk7 module. In
that it has install7.pp and javaexec.pp Now I am trying to modify the
parameters using wrapper class. In that I wrote
class javajdk {
include jdk7,java7_exec
jdk7::install7{ "jdk1.7.0_25" :
version =>
I am having an error could not retrieve information development source
Please help me
I have a code in
*class java_versions {# $::var_java
On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11:05:25 AM UTC-4, Supriya Uppalapati wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having an error could not retrieve information development source
> *file:/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/java_versions/scripts/java_path.sh*
> Please help me
I have created directories in puppet/manifests/init.pp
* more init.ppclass createdirectory { file { [ "/u01/app/","/u01/oracle",
"/u01/oracle/product", ]: ensure => "directory", owner =>
"oracle", group => "oinstall", recurse => true, mode =>
I have webservers, application servers and in the webservers I have
weblogic,soa,esb. and the environments I have are
development,testing,production and zones I have are control
production,control pre-production,development,testing.
What is the best way I can define these in roles and pr
Is there any way to audit the contents of a file using no-op mode in puppet.
Help me
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How to set loglevel=debug in puppet to get detailed information of what
commands puppet is executing when it runs puppet agent.
In cd /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg file I edited loglevel=debug.
But aftersome time it is changing to loglevel=info
How do I set loglevel=debug in pu
I am trying to run shell script through non root user in puppet facts.
Here is my code.
* $cat cis_rhel6_check.rbrequire 'facter'*
*Facter.add("cis_rhel6_check") do setcode do %x[ sh
/tmp/cis_rhel6_check.sh ] endend*
the shell script is in
*drwxrwxrwt. 178 root root tmp*
when I am trying to restart puppet-dashboard-workers. It is giving me some
information like this
*service pe-puppet-dashboard-workers restartStopping
pe-puppet-dashboard-workers: [ OK
]/etc/init.d/pe-puppet-dashboard-workers: line 68: log_daemon_msg: command
Hi ,
I am having this when I am trying to decrease the size of a database
*sudo /opt/puppet/bin/rake -f /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard/Rakefile
RAILS_ENV=production db:raw:vacuum --tracerake aborted!Don't know how to
build task
I am trying to install jdk1.7.0_25 using rpm in
/u01/app/oracle/product/jdk1.7.0_25/. I downloaded rpm from oracle.
Here is my code
*class java_rpm { package { "jdk7u25": provider => rpm, install_options =>
['-ivh --prefix=/u01/app/oracle/product/jdk1.7.0_25/'], source =>
1:39 PM, Spencer Krum
> If your goal is to install java into a nonstandard directory... why not
> just pull down the jdk tarball and untar that?
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Supriya Uppalapati <
> supriya.uppalap...@gmail.com> wrote:
Jun 10, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Spencer Krum
> I have no experience with using install_options to install an rpm into a
> separate directory. Sorry.
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Supriya Uppalapati <
> supriya.uppalap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
First I imported my puppet code from puppet server to svn repository.
2nd I checkout the code from svn repository to remote server, where I am
developing the code.After I editing the code I commited the code. and did
svn up puppetlabs in remote server.
3rd After I did this, the code is gett
I am getting the issue when i modifyied the code like this
class java_rpm::install {
$version = hiera("javaversion")
package { $version:
provider => rpm,
source => "puppet:///development/java_rpm/files/$version",
ensure => installed,
MY file is here:
My puppet-enterprise version 3.2.1 let me know.
Please help me
*$gem install hiera-gpgBuilding native extensions. This could take a
while...ERROR: Error installing hiera-gpg:ERROR: Failed to build
gem native extension.*
I am having an issue could not find any data item
Here is my manifests:
*class weblogic_esb { 2 3 include wls1036 4 include orautils 5 6
Class['wls1036'] -> Class['orautils'] 7 8 class wls1036{ 9 class {
'wls::urandomfix' :} 10 11 $jdkWls11gJDK = hiera('wls_jdk_version') 12
Hi I am trying to create custom application facts to create hierarchy for
my environment
│ └── testing
│ ├── default.yaml
│ └── dot-idb-spr-t01.ddc.dot.state.ma.us.yaml
├── defaults.yaml
├── global.yaml
├── hp-extreme
│ ├── dev
│ ├── dev1
│ ├── dev2
│ ├── dev3
I wrote a code to identify application type. gving me issue.
Anyone help me
1 require 'rexml/document'
2 require 'facter'
4 Facter.add(:application_type) do
6confine :hostname => 'hostname'
8 setcode do
9 application_install
puts "Database"
elsif (application_installed.slice(5,2)=="ap")
puts "IBM"
puts "Subversion"
I am trying to install software using .zip file. I am defining values using
varaibles. But it is throwing me an error.
*Error: Parameter cwd failed on Exec[extract CZM8XML.zip]: cwd must be a
fully qualified path at
all --launcher.ini
$ibm_install/silent-install.ini -log /opt/test/IM_install.log", path
=> $ibm_install, creates => '/opt/test/IM_install.log',*
On Monday, July 14, 2014 11:54:38 AM UTC-4, Supriya Uppalapati wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install software u
I am having an issue with exc statement. running through non-root user.
*Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter user failed on Exec[extract
p17071663_1036_Generic.zip]: Only root can execute commands as other users
I am trying the uncomment the lines in a file using augeas in puppet. But
it is not commenting those lines.
Here is the code which I have writen,
*augeas { "bash_profile":context => "/home/infauser/.bash_profile",
changes => [ "set #comment 'export INFA_CODEPAGENAM
I did like this using file_line resource
*file_line { 'replace a line to /home/infauser/.bash_profile': path =>
'/home/infauser/.bash_profile', line => 'export
INFA_CODEPAGENAME=UTF-8', #match => '^# export
*But it is giving me an error:*
My code is unable to find source attribute. even though i specified it
Here is my error
*Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Invalid parameter source at
26 matches
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