Hey all,
Just trying to get
to work:
I've managed to get everything except ssh::auth::client happening. I
just don't understand why it isn't working. It is just a very simple
include ssh::auth
You say when a image is shutdown it reverts back to it's original
state, but does that image/machine ever get reused?
My point being if your going to reuse machines keeping individual
certificates could be useful. To enable this you could just nfs mount
a share that new certificates could be creat
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.
I'm using thin+puppetmasterd+nginx. If i add a host, sign it's key,
run puppetd successfully on it all is good, as expected. If i then
revoke/clean the key on the master server, leave the box running,
startup another host set the hostname to be
I've created a number of custom facts that i've added to manifests. If
i add the custom fact, have puppet push the custom fact file to the
host, then after it's pushed it add it to the templates everything
works fine. However if i try and use the module on a fresh host
without the custom facte
he sync done. We actually do it twice, so that
> the new values are pushed up to the puppetmaster before the 'real' run, but
> that probably isn't strictly necessary.)
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:04 PM, Nan Liu wrote:
> > On Tue, May
For future reference you where trying to do: command => "yes |
/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start",
'yes' is a unix program that will type 'y' over and over again.. you could
also of used 'echo y | ' if you needed just 1 y..
On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:26:37 AM UTC+11, JGonza1 wrote:
I currently have puppet setup and backed into the dashboard and using ENC.
I wish to control as much of the configuration of machines via the
However, I have a requirement to call a module/class multiple times and was
wondering if this is possible? in a normal manifest I'd do
On Thursday, January 17, 2013 3:50:14 AM UTC+11, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:30:09 PM UTC-6, Michael Dodwell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I currently have puppet setup and backed into the dashboard and using
>> ENC.
Another method is to use exec {} instead of package {} to install the rpm.
This will enable you to set environment => 'BATCH=myval', path => ['/bin',
'/usr/bin'] etc
use unless to check if the package is installed so it doesn't try to
install it multiple times.
On Friday, June 21, 2013 12:53:3
Take a look at the Viper toolkit from VMWare. You can then create a script
with the examples given and then use puppet to run the scripts to do stuff
that you want.
Personally I use a VMA server to create instances, Razor to kickstart and
exec {
command => "mkdir /somedir; chown newuser /somedir",
unless => "test -d /somedir"
On Friday, June 21, 2013 8:24:59 AM UTC+10, Robin Powell wrote:
> Is there a way to make a directory and set its owner and mode and so
> on only if it didn't exist?
> That is: I don't want to *r
plates”, and I would like to see if I can
> handle them with Puppet. I know Enterprise Puppet can do it, but I do not
> have access to a bottomless budget :(
> On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:53 PM, Michael Dodwell wrote:
> Take a look at the Viper toolkit from VMWare. You can then create a
Take a look at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_functions.html you
could write your own fuctions to give you something like this.
Puppet hasn't really been designed to be low overhead (with more of a focus
on simplicity) and i think the least of it's performance problems come from
the f
Try putting single ticks around the class name when you call it:
class {'novell-httpstkd':
addr => "$ipaddress",
saddr => "$ipaddress",
filteraddr => "",
filtersubnet => "",
cipher => "low",
mailserver => "mail.localdomain",
mailfrom => "nrm@$fq
Trying to write a generic function to deal with either arrays or strings.
Here's a cutdown version of what I'm writing highlighting the problem I
All i'm trying to do is take 'server1.testing.com' from the variable
$server (the variable being either a string or an array) and assign i
I found 2.7 had a memory leak(s). If you wish to run as web brick I'd
suggest restarting on a daily basis.
I haven't ran 3.x as web brick so I'm unsure if it's still a problem,
running puppet master with apache phusion has solved a lot of those
problems for me.
On Tuesday, July 16, 2013 9:52
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