Any hint on why it looses the password it states
access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' using password NO
But if I enter mysql using the "changeme" password from cli I access mysql.
How can I make @@mysql::db remember the password?
Il giorno
On a second run of puppet after adding the mysql::db is not possible to
create the db getting the error below
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {root_password => 'changeme',}
mysql::db { 'mydatabase':
user => 'myapp1',
password => 'supersecret',
Il giorno giovedì 6 settembre 2012 10:15:38 UTC+2, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> On a second run of puppet after adding the mysql::db is not possible to
> create the db getting the error below
> class { 'mysql::server':
> config_hash =&
OK ...
tested and it works like a charm.
Posted the approach in my blog:
Il giorno mercoledì 5 settembre 2012 15:44:45 UTC+2, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> The problem is:
> when installing an application in a di
I'm receiving the message:
Could not find certificate for ... on the server when I try to run the
agent on an old server where I was trying to make some experimentation.
I've removed cert and keys from clent and runa clean on the server.
The /etc/hosts in the server is configured correctly.
... nothing
just the puppetmaster and the CA certs...
I'm not getting the thing.
Il giorno venerdì 5 ottobre 2012 11:23:59 UTC+2, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> I'm receiving the message:
> Could not find certificate for ... on the server when I try to run the
> agent
+ "zamanda.courtyard.cloudlabcsi.eu"
My curiosity is:
what is fqdn? It is no node of mine
Why only the puppet master (the puppet.courtyard... has other data as alt
Same problem for me:
here is the trace:
Error: Cached catalog for backup.cortile.cloudlabcsi.local failed: Could
not autoload puppet/indirector/catalog/active_record: uninitialized
constant ActiveRecord
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/autoload.rb:75:in `load_file'
I have to convert a string in base64 before placing it inside a template
with puppet.
Is there a function available and how?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
I have the problem of installing stuff in zip files (that is the tipical
way of distributing java stuffs as JBoss, WSO2).
Which can be the preferred solution to make such an install:
- the only option I see is gettin the zip with curl or wget and than
executing a unzip placing the stuff in the de
Which is the bast strategy to check if a DB has been populated?
The target is to execute the "mysql < file.sql" just once since it could
not be idempotent.
The idea is to use the unless clause to stop it to run if there is the
known data in the table, but it seems that it is just happy with the
OK I'm getting mad.
All of a sudden after a few mods I received this error from the
I reverted all the changes done up to a last working set but no prize still
this error and I cannot understand what is happening it seems that it
manages to finish the catalog but than it stops.
be in the puppet master and not in the agent.
Il giorno giovedì 6 dicembre 2012 12:14:51 UTC+1, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> OK I'm getting mad.
> All of a sudden after a few mods I received this error from the
> puppet_master.
> I reverted all the changes done
Anyone has a good hint on how to get better debug info on this problem?
Other nodes work correctly so puppet master is not broken just the catalog
of the node I'm working on, but cannot manage to find the bug.
Il giorno giovedì 6 dicembre 2012 12:14:51 UTC+1, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
error (the rails.log is empty and I do not know how to enable logging on
It colud be a template??? I'll check it, but have no clue.
Il giorno giovedì 6 dicembre 2012 12:14:51 UTC+1, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> OK I'm getting mad.
> All of a sudden after
On a fresh Dashboard installation I get these:
Puppet Dashboard encountered an error.
Something went wrong, and Puppet Dashboard was unable to render the
requested page. Please contact your site’s help desk or systems
administrator; if that happens to be you, please check Dashboard’s logs for
I'm creating a module for the WSO2 products and the tool needs to find the
JAVA_HOME that is not set.
Java get installed but than the wso2server complains about the missing
Checked java -version in shell and it works, but as expected executing echo
$JAVA_HOME returns null.
So the pr
I'm developing my modules for managing the env with puppet and I have this
I use exported resources.
Much like the following example:
node a {
@@file { "/tmp/foo": content => "fjskfjs\n", tag => "foofile", }
node b {
File <<| tag == 'foofile' |>>
(I use the database res
17 gennaio 2013 11:26:57 UTC+1, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I'm developing my modules for managing the env with puppet and I have this
> problem.
> I use exported resources.
> Much like the following example:
> node a {
> @@file { "/tmp/foo":
I'm running a previously working set of modules with the Puppet master
version 3.1.0-rc2.
I'm getting the Error: stack level too deep
Here is a chunk of the debug
Debug: Scope(Class[Zabbix]): Retrieving template zabbix/zabbix.conf.php.erb
r { 'base::basic': }
group { zabbix:
ensure => present,
require => Anchor['base::basic'],
user { zabbix:
ensure => present,
managehome => true,
gid=> 'zabbix',
require=> Group['zabbix
rpm -ivh
# puppet dashboard
yum install --nogpgcheck -y puppet-dashboard
2013/3/12 Matthew Burgess
> On Mon, Mar 11, 201
The problem is that when I install activerecord-mysql-adapter it
automatically install the latest activerectord gem
Is there a way to disable it
or there is a fix for activerecord gem?
2013/3/19 Peter Meier
> Hash: SHA1
> > I've eliminated a few dupli
But I've installed the 0.0.1 and I think that is the only one present and I
think the first release
In the other installation I have I never found this problem and never
bothered which version was installed.
2013/3/19 Peter Meier
> Hash: SHA1
> > The p
oad puppet/indirector/facts/active_record:
uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
any hint?
2013/3/20 Luca Gioppo
> But I've installed the 0.0.1 and I think that is the only one present and
> I think the first release
> In the other installation I have I never found this problem an
I have a puppet dashboard with MySQL and I want to point to that externale
store it should be a bit more straitforward !!! (It was)
2013/3/20 Luca Gioppo
> I've compared the others installations of mine and it seems that I do not
> have installed mysql and activerecord-mysql
Can you post a complete example please?
2013/4/4 Mike Power
> Actually I found if I created a resource between path and file called
> element, I could give it a unique name. Then inside the body I could check
> to see if the File is declared, if not I could declare it.
> On Thurs
I have this, I think common, situation:
- NodeDB VM with MySQL
- NodeApp VM with an application that uses the MySQL DB
Obivuously both needs to have information on the DB (like user, DB name,
Since DB will be created in the NodeDB by the MySQL module from puppetlabs
and the app will just
I'm trying to use hiera.
The common.yaml is
db_type: "mysql"
db_host: %{::domain}
db_name: "odaigreg"
db_user: "odaigreg"
db_password: "odaigreg1"
db_tag: "greg_db"
is_remote: "true"
and the command
hiera -c /etc/puppet/environments/production/hiera.yaml greg
time to
find out.
If is not a correct behaviour than is a bug :P
Il giorno lunedì 29 aprile 2013 15:15:05 UTC+2, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> I'm trying to use hiera.
> The common.yaml is
> greg:
> db_type: "mysql"
> db_host: %{::domai
I'm new of hiera and I was thinking that it was possible to declare hiera
variables just linked to nodes or classes.
Indeed the option of getting the data using the hiera() function allows for
a common.yaml file to host the global information and thus will follow your
suggestion on having class
This happens when one doesn't study all specs around :D
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
I need to create a custom fact based on a parametric information (I need to
get the IP of another machine knowing the hostname, the machine name could
be different for different nodes so I need it parameteric and I recover the
machine hostname from a hiera, but for the purpose of the question it
It seems a very clever approach!!!
If it works could be the approach for not having dependency.
I do not agree that the two module are dependend, they just depend on the
same data, but given the data should be able to work on their own.
This problem is also mine in trying to design modules that do
st 28, 2013 3:58:00 AM UTC-5, Luca Gioppo wrote:
>> I need to create a custom fact based on a parametric information (I need
>> to get the IP of another machine knowing the hostname, the machine name
>> could be different for different nodes so I need it parameteric
gpg maybe it could be nice.
Il giorno mercoledì 28 agosto 2013 15:18:01 UTC+2, François Lafont ha
> Le 28/08/2013 11:57, Luca Gioppo a �crit :
> > It seems a very clever approach!!!
> Are you talking about the "extlookup" approach?
I'm having a strange issue:
A new machine created this morning showed thi error:
[root@wso2greg ~]# puppet agent --environment=production --verbose
--no-daemonize --debug
Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file rolemod does not
Debug: Puppet::Type::User::Pr
Il giorno venerdì 30 agosto 2013 12:27:19 UTC+2, Luca Gioppo ha scritto:
> I'm having a strange issue:
> A new machine created this morning showed thi error:
> [root@wso2greg ~]# puppet agent --environment=production --verbose
> --no-daemoni
Since I need to store things like Db passwords (used on DB node to create
stuff and on the app_server node to establish the connection) I could use
either a hash dedicated to generic DB stuff or a hash for passwords and in
this way I could also use hiera-gpg
All too simple.
Il gior
I had this problem all of a sudden, just changed some puppet classes in my
modules, but no particular stuff or no error in the catalog creation.
Env :
Puppet master version 3.2.0-rc1
Centos kernel 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
Info: Caching cata
I'm trying to install mcollective on an environment for the first time and
I'm having troubles:
MC client (also the puppet master)
Thanks that solved the problem.
Il giorno lunedì 25 novembre 2013 13:12:54 UTC+1, R.I. Pienaar ha scritto:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Luca Gioppo" >
> > To: puppet...@googlegroups.com
> > Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 12:06:
I started by installing puppet (puppet master + puppetdb etc) from RPM
(yum.puppet) on a CentOS 6.5.
Since I want to test the "cloudstack_resource" module I saw that it needs
fog and it needs ruby 1.9.3.
So tried to install ruby 1.9.3 from repos (getting it from scl) and
installed correctly
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