Hi List
Puppet agent (after puupet agent -t) is not sending th CSR to the Puppet
/etc/hosts spark-slave1 puppetmaster01 puppetmaster01.lebara.com
testbedocg spark-slave2 preproi2000 preproi2000.lebara.com
st the
> output from puppetserver.log file .
> Thanks
> Jim
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 8:06:39 AM UTC+10, Joaquin Henriquez wrote:
>> Hi List
>> Puppet agent (after puupet agent -t) is not sending th CSR to the Puppet
>> master:
Hi Guys
Trying to install puppetdb form source.
I downloaded it from git b but then what?
If I modify the puppet.conf to enable puppetdb it will lok into file
confdir/puppetdb.conf which doesn't exist under the git version.
Doing the config.ini rename to that puppetdb.conf will need to add the