OEL 6.1 now has these 'release' files:
$ ll /etc/*release*
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 32 May 22 20:15 /etc/oracle-release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 55 May 22 20:15 /etc/redhat-release
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Jul 22 16:36 /etc/system-release -> oracle-release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 45 May 22 20:15 /
If I understand the docs correctly, the 'require' inside this define
should be satisfied before 'User' is evaluated. Except that's not
what's happening; instead, 'User' is being evaluated first and then
the require is being satisfied.
Am I missing/misunderstanding something about how this should
On Apr 15, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Mayank wrote:
> Hi,
>I'm trying to manage some hosts using a single puppetmaster. I
> don't know why but puppet on clients seems to be executing the recipes
> hosted on puppetmaster in a random order which is breaking apart
> dependencies and resulting in a failed
Hi all,
Full path:
Two problems:
1) Even if filebucketing is disabled, this (still) tries to backup
authorized_keys to /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket/[...]; no other
modules are doing filebucketing when it's disabled but they
Also: for those that've never gone through this process before (such as me),
could use a hint somewhere on the bugtracker (at least on the "Issues" page)
that you need to register to create a new issue.
On Jul 17, 2010, at 2:08 PM, James Turnbull wrote:
> Jim Bala wrote:
>> Also: for those that've never gone through this process before (such
>> as me), could use a hint somewhere on the bugtracker (at least on the
>> "Issues" page) that you need to
For the benefit of those running OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) or OVS,
be aware that under 2.6.0rc4 facter doesn't properly recognize OEL in
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/operatingsystemrelease.rb. A diff
for a fix is below; probably not the best fix but if you need it work
now, this'll do it
Overrides like this work for me:
User <| title == $title |> {
password => '*LK*',
shell => "/bin/false"
You could try:
Ssh_authorized_key <| title == nagios |> {
require => [ Group["nagios"], User["nagios"], ],
However, I showed this syntax to Jeff McCune and he said something to