Answering the requirement you could do something like.
Facter.add("websites_number") do
setcode do
websites = %x{/bin/ls $websitesdir}.split("\n")
0.upto(websites - 1).each do |n|
Facter.add("website_#{n}") do
setcode do
First.. chill pill..
Plz copy ur puppetmasterd logging.
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Rajeev Iyer wrote:
> Hi ,
> I need help here. I am running my master on RHEL 64 bit and I am trying
> to connect my agent from Solaris running on Solaris 10.
> I have put the entries for both m
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I think you would want to create a fact that publish that state to the
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Romain Gales wrote:
> Hi pupper community,
> I am working with puppet on Windows and have an issue.
> I want to check what version of a package is installed.
> My idea was to add a fi
Haven"t read the code yet...
But cmd facter xx executes the xx plugin and print the return value. the
ipaddress_ethX are part of the ipaddress plugin that is the one that should
be executed. Nonetheless as the ipaddress plugin register the
ipaddress_ethX facters they would not show either.
On Wed
Hi, for this problem you would be better off with other tools.
Nevertheless you could create a facter thar list all the users in the
system and use that information in a class to check and save against a
centralized db.
On Jul 23, 2014 4:35 PM, "huhm4n" wrote:
> I'm trying to audit local users