[Puppet Users] Is it possible to chain events from an Exec?

2011-12-14 Thread Edd Grant
Hi All, I'm trying to write a module which unpacks an archive to a specified location, the idea is as follows: Let's say I'm trying to deploy an archive of grails-1.3.7 1. Check that a directory exists at $targetDir/grails-1.3.7 2. If it does, do nothing 3. If it doesn't then do the fol

[Puppet Users] Re: Is it possible to chain events from an Exec?

2011-12-14 Thread Edd Grant
Wow - thanks for the super quick reply Martin. Will try out your suggestions. Cheers, Edd On Dec 14, 10:16 am, Martin Alfke wrote: > Hi, > > my answer is inline.. > > On 14.12.2011, at 11:09, Edd Grant wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > Hi All, >

[Puppet Users] Re: Is it possible to chain events from an Exec?

2011-12-14 Thread Edd Grant
the onlyif and that definitely returns 0 when the directory is absent and 1 when the directory is present. I'm not quite sure what to do here to correct this? Cheers, Edd On Dec 14, 10:18 am, Edd Grant wrote: > Wow - thanks for the super quick reply Martin. Will try out your > suggesti

[Puppet Users] Re: Is it possible to chain events from an Exec?

2011-12-14 Thread Edd Grant
logoutput => true, require => File["copy_archive_$name"], } # delete copied archive exec { "delete_copied_archive_$name": command => "/bin/rm -f $targetDir/$archiveName", cwd => "$targetDir", logoutput => true, re

[Puppet Users] Need some help getting up and running: Could not request certificate: Connection refused - connect(2)

2010-11-13 Thread Edd Grant
Hi all, I'm a Puppet newbie and am struggling to get myself up and running on my first Puppet install and am looking for some assistance. To explain where I'm at I have done the following (all based on the Puppet getting started guide): 1: sudo apt-get install puppet, installation completed but

[Puppet Users] Re: Need some help getting up and running: Could not request certificate: Connection refused - connect(2)

2010-11-14 Thread Edd Grant
at 12:53:35PM +0000, Edd Grant wrote: > > Hi all, > > > 1: sudo apt-get install puppet, installation completed but I noted the > > following warning (is this important?): > > *adduser*: *Warning: The home directory* `/*var/lib/* > > *puppet*' *does not belong

[Puppet Users] Could not find dependency Package[] for Package

2011-04-18 Thread Edd Grant
Hi All, I am running Puppet on Ubuntu 10.10. AMD64. I have defined a class (below) with which I wish to install basic audio and video packages. class audio-video { $packagelist = ["vlc", "amarok"] package { $packagelist: ensure => installed, # Require xine to be installed prior to th

[Puppet Users] Re: Could not find dependency Package[] for Package

2011-04-18 Thread Edd Grant
mpeg"] > > declared in the first example? > > You would need a package resource named libxine.. for puppet to reference. > > Cheers, > Den > > On 19/04/2011, at 6:06, Edd Grant wrote: > > > Hi All, > > > I am running Puppet on Ubuntu 10.10. AMD64. I h

[Puppet Users] Resolving/ Expanding module puppet:/// URI in exec line

2011-05-02 Thread Edd Grant
Hi All, I have defined the following module to untar/unzip and copy the Maven distributable to a convenient location: class apache-maven-v3 { exec { "/bin/tar xzf /etc/puppet/modules/apache-maven-v3/files/ apache-maven-3.0.3-bin.tar.gz": cwd => "/usr/local/java", creates => "/usr/local/

[Puppet Users] Re: Resolving/ Expanding module puppet:/// URI in exec line

2011-05-03 Thread Edd Grant
hanks, Edd On May 2, 4:15 pm, Nan Liu wrote: > Use a file resource to deploy it to the agent and make the exec depend > on the file resource. > > On May 2, 2011, at 7:58, Edd Grant wrote: > > > > > > > > > Hi All, > > > I have defined t

[Puppet Users] Re: Resolving/ Expanding module puppet:/// URI in exec line

2011-05-03 Thread Edd Grant
;                 cwd => "/usr/local/java", >                 creates => "/usr/local/java/apache-maven-3.0.3", >         } >         # make sure the order is set properly >         File['java_path'] -> File['copy_maven_v3'] -> Exec[&#

[Puppet Users] Re: Resolving/ Expanding module puppet:/// URI in exec line

2011-05-03 Thread Edd Grant
              command => "/bin/tar zxf > /usr/local/java/apache-maven-3.0.3-bin.tar.gz", >                 cwd => "/usr/local/java", >                 creates => "/usr/local/java/apache-maven-3.0.3", >         } >         # make sure the order is set pro

[Puppet Users] Is it possible to include files in puppet.conf

2014-01-23 Thread Edd Grant
Hi, Is it possible to include files in puppet.conf? I'd like to use this to be able to declare new environments in their own files rather than having to edit puppet.conf each time. I'm thinking something along the lines of how sudoers works with sudoers.d # puppet.conf include environments/*

Re: [Puppet Users] Is it possible to include files in puppet.conf

2014-01-24 Thread Edd Grant
Hi Jose, Thanks for responding, I should have mentioned I have already looked at dynamic environments. Unfortunately though several of our environments require a unique module path and I couldn't find a way to accommodate that using dynamic environments. I suppose the ideal would be for us to rem