On 15 March 2012 22:39, Chris O'Donnell wrote:
> With our current iptables rules, we implement the following in a script:
> iptables -P INPUT DROP
> iptables -P FORWARD DROP
> iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
> Then the script continues on and does the rest of the rules. some custom
> policies, etc.
On 2 May 2012 12:19, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> your only option at present is to write out puppet.conf using a template
> with your fact
We use this approach. The very first run gets called with "--environment
foo" and it sticks. "--environment" can then be called again if it needs to
move to anoth
On 3 May 2012 23:32, jcbollinger wrote:
> Hmm. I guess I misunderstood your objective. It is still true that
> 'defined' is not a good approach, however, and also that
> os::motd::register is a bit rude to not take care of declaring its
> dependencies itself.
> It might work to declare all y
On 2 May 2012 19:42, Brian Gupta wrote:
> So having an internal debate on whether to use puppet managed debian
> preseed files to configure packages prior to installation or
> installing with no-config and using puppet to manage the config files
> after the fact.
> The end of the discussion is
On 25 April 2012 08:30, Peter wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> Thank you very much! I thought it may have been a scoping issue!
> Peter.
> On Apr 25, 8:56 am, Gary Larizza wrote:
> > Hey Peter,
> >
> > You should be able to do $settings::storeconfigs to get that value.
Speaking of scope, you probab
On 27 April 2012 06:15, denmat wrote:
> Normally what happens is that if it is 'assumed yes', yum will
> automatically accept the public key via the url - I don't know why
> Jenkins is different - but it appears to install a new repo file and
> try to import the pubkey again on install - maybe t
On Jun 4, 2012 5:07 PM, "Jeff McCune"
puppetlabs.com > wrote:
> I'll leave the description to Branan but please be aware that we're
> actively and currently working to centralize all of this into a single
> repository named puppetlabs_spec_helper. The goal of this repository
> is to provide a sin
On 21 July 2011 16:41, John Fieber wrote:
> I use instance userdata to configure puppet (via ubuntu cloudinit) and set
> an explicit certname, in the form:
> --
> The server uses a a node classifier that fabricates the node spec from
> that.
Similarly I've used a port of cloud-init baked
On 3 August 2011 07:07, Iain Sutton wrote:
> To add a newline, put the closing double quote on a new line.
> content => "zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet",
> becomes
> content => "zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet
> ",
Or, cleaner IMHO:
content =
On 3 August 2011 03:14, edovale wrote:
> If you are on ubuntu the I understand that you could set the hostname
> using cloud-init like explained here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit
It's also possible to use cloud-init on EL based distros, as seen in the
Amazon Linux AMI. I have
On 3 August 2011 04:38, josbal wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an issue with puppet where we are getting errors on some of our
> new built servers where the catalogue is trying to render before
> distributing custom facts that are required to render the catalogue
> correctly.
> We are running puppe
On 17 August 2011 22:44, Jake wrote:
> I've installed facter-1.6.0 and puppet-2.7.3 on a number of SLES 10
> hardware nodes (HP DL580) running the Virtuozzo hosting software.
> Well, facter correctly identifies such a machine as a hardware node
> ("virtual => openvzhn") but somehow concludes th
On 18 August 2011 18:38, Jake wrote:
> Excellent, thanks - patch applied here with good results.
> It appears the issue is already known as of facter-1.5.9:
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/7957
> So, the ball should already be rolling on this one - right?
I missed that in my brief
On 25 October 2011 22:49, David Alden wrote:
> I got:
> err: Could not autoload firewall: no such file to load --
> puppet/util/firewall at /etc/puppet/modules/snmp/manifests/config.pp:9
> on node ns2.math.osu.edu
> I tried "puppet describe firewall" and got:
> Could not run: Could not auto
On 15 November 2011 16:57, Jacob Helwig wrote:
> On 2011-11-15 07:24 , Tom Hall wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Can you round in variable assignment expressions?
> >
> > I would like to be able to set
> >
> > $my_var = floor(::processorcount * 0.8)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Tom
> >
> That should work just fin
On 17 Nov 2011 22:42, "Michael Stahnke" wrote:
> A while back you could just take the srpms from Fedora's 1.8.7 and
> they would build pretty easily on EL5. I haven't tried that for a
> while, but you can at least get the RPMs from a known source that way.
SRPMs from EL6 (which has Ruby 1.8.7) a
On 22 November 2011 06:36, James Turnbull wrote:
> Hi all
> I finally got around to fixing the IRC logs up a little and adding them
> to their own site:
> http://www.puppetlogs.com/
> The site contains search-able IRC logs for #puppet and #puppet-dev going
> back to late 2007 or so.
> It'
On 18 April 2010 04:24, Andrew Heagle wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible for puppet to do the equivalent to this in bash:
> and...@comet:~$ a=1
> and...@comet:~$ x="a"
> and...@comet:~$ eval echo \$$x
> 1
> Or this perl:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $a=1;
> $x="a";
> print $$x;
> (Output would be 1)
> Or
On 27 April 2010 08:52, Peter Meier wrote:
> The best practice is to either go with an external node tool for
> complexe node definitions or at least not to use any includes in
> super-nodes which behavior you want to tweak with variables in
> sub-nodes, as inheritance in nodes don't work the way
On 5 May 2010 16:54, Gary Law wrote:
> Before reinventing the wheel in terms of grabbing and storing
> switch/router/firewall configs, take a look at this:
> http://www.shrubbery.net/rancid/
And http://trac.nocproject.org/trac/
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On 6 May 2010 17:05, Joe McDonagh wrote:
> I have this similar issue- I notice the "loading facts in " message
> twice when running puppet.
Likewise - printed twice. It's been low on my priority list because it
doesn't seem to have any negative effect, but since you mention it.
Facter 1.5
On 6 May 2010 18:46, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> Yeah, that's not so efficient.
> Please file a bug on this one!
Duly filed.
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"Puppet Users" group.
To post to this group, sen
On 12 May 2010 16:13, Thomas Bellman wrote:
> [..]
> I don't create the logical volumes automatically, nor do I
> partition or create filesystems on them automatically, to lessen
> the risk of destroying important data.
Good info. I do much the same - logical vols are managed by hand first.
On 19 May 2010 21:17, Peter Berghold wrote:
> I thought that as well, but didn't really want to just yet.
> If I go that route I guess it will mean I'll have to get around to doing
> something I've been putting off.. I've been planning to build a custom yum
> repository but that was not going
On 8 June 2010 10:06, Jomo wrote:
> It works well when I use webrick. The config of nginx is from puppet
> wiki, some logs is below, what's wrong?
I suspect that it relates to the use of HTTP headers and Puppet not knowing
who the client is from it's certificate.
The wiki documentation assume
On 9 June 2010 06:09, Jason Koppe wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Joe McDonagh <
> joseph.e.mcdon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Daniel Kerwin wrote:
>> > Hi list,
>> >
>> > i just enabled storeconfigs and cannot use puppetrun on more than 5
>> > hosts. When i try 6+ i get the error messag
On 28 June 2010 23:03, Dan Urist wrote:
> Has anyone gotten puppetmaster running under nginx with passenger? I've
> tried various permutations of setting headers in the nginx config file,
> but am still getting "Forbidden request" errors from the client.
Sounds like this..
On 30 June 2010 18:40, CraftyTech wrote:
> Hello All,
> Can someone point me in the right direction here. I'm trying to
> create an erb template for my /etc/hosts file, so that when executed,
> it populates the /etc/hosts file only with entries that are tag
> relevant. For instance, if a
On 1 July 2010 18:17, jb wrote:
> This also vexes me, I also would love to use 'all_tags', but it's not
> consistent. The issues is best described in the following bug, I
> believe:
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3049
Good call. I wasn't aware there was an existing ticket for it.
On 1 July 2010 00:32, Douglas Garstang wrote:
> If I have a package { "foo": ensure => installed; require => something
> } in a module, AND I also have a Package { require =>
> Class['yum::client']} in site.pp, what happens in the module? Does the
> package in the module require both 'something'
On 5 July 2010 15:11, Thomas Bellman wrote:
> On 2010-07-03, Jeff McCune wrote:
> > In this module, if you use the following orginization puppet will
> > autoload everything:
> >
> > manifests/init.pp contains class apache { }
> > manifests/disable.pp contains class apache::disable inherits apa
On 5 July 2010 16:27, Patrick Mohr wrote:
> I usually put some of the really small classes in init.pp. For instance,
> do you put your packages classes in their own file?
> class apache::package {
> package { apache2: ensure => present }
> }
> Would you put this in it's own file?
Yeah. I
On 5 July 2010 11:01, Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:
> For the moment we only have 1 puppetmaster here. I noticed that if I have a
> syntax error in one of my included .pp, then puppet runs fail on all nodes
> (even if they do not use this recipe), which is not acceptable. More
> generally, working di
On 6 July 2010 21:21, James Turnbull wrote:
> Just so people know this is fixed in 2.6 and when we're finished
> hammering the alpha into a beta - we'd love you guys to test this.
Sure, I'll try and put some time aside for testing.
It sounds like 2.6 should resolve a few of the bugbears I've
On 9 July 2010 08:18, Patrick Mohr wrote:
> It's probably better to make a package instead.
+1, roll a package. Your life will be easier. The sun will shine. Birds will
serenade you. Beer will flow from fountains.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
On 13 July 2010 11:23, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> We're looking at deploying Splunk using puppet - can anyone give any
> guidance on the best way to do this?
> We need to setup light-forwarders and an indexing service via puppet
> manifests however it looks like we're going to have to ma
On 23 November 2010 19:27, Dan Bode wrote:
> This is unfortunately true. It's possible that this may work in a future
> version.
It's described by this ticket: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3049
Which you might want to add yourself as a watcher to, Alaric.
You received this mess
On 24 December 2010 11:11, Daniel Piddock wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm not sure if I've made a fundamental misunderstanding of Puppet
> namespacing and include resolution or whether there's a bug.
> Background:
> I have a modules, called kerberos, that configures a client for working
> on my kerbe
On 12 June 2011 20:21, Markus Falb wrote:
> I also tried with 0.25.5 and noticed that your module does not work.
> All autorequire stuff does not work. It seems like things like
> if catalog.resources.find_all { ... }.empty?
> is always true. I have no clue why.
It's because "catalog.resour
39 matches
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