Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
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Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@google
Providing a beginners mailing list IMO would only encourage people to
bypass the docs even more.
2p/w :)
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Pupp
class depacks(
$packages = "$params::packages"
) inherits params {
package{ $packages:
Putting quotes around $params::packages is making $packages a string
rather than an array. Remove the quotes and it should work
Craig Dunn | http://www.craigdunn
start => "( /usr/sbin/slaptest && service slapd start) || /bin/true",
But, IMO, a service init script should take care of its own pre-req's...
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received t
n non-dev
Ideally I'd like to be able to catch this with rspec-puppet but can't
see an easy way to say "class bar should have variable foo and it
shouldn't be undefined", or something when sourcing variables from other
classes or hiera.
Nick - if you need one in the mean time, I use the following specfile
(adapted from gem2rpm) to build it from a downloaded gem on EL5. (and hiera-puppet.spec
Of course, official RPM's would be nicer :P
Craig D
onlyif => "[ \"$(/bin/ls -A $one_location)\" ]&& exit 1 || exit
Puppet wont let you run commands that dont have fully qualified paths,
try adding this and it should work...
path => "/bin"
Craig Dunn | http://www.craigdunn
On 26/04/2012 15:51, Gary Larizza wrote:
I believe Craig Dunn had an article on using a MySQL backend for Hiera
Until hiera 0.3.1 is actually released you'll need to manually apply the
Means I can store all my "foo" variables up into, for example, dev/foo.yaml
It's a nice way to be able to see at-a-glance how "foo" is configured in
my environment, and also helps with ambiguous variable names (eg: $port)
as grouping them this way offers a kind of scop
talled the server package first - it
wont actually do the orchestration for you though
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
Users" group.
To pos
me point?
Sounds like a lot of great new functionality though, looking forward to
testing it out!
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message because you are subscribed
#x27;t be focusing too much on the
credits or pitfalls of YAML - there are other DB and file based back
ends available, and if one of those doesn't fit the bill it's very
possible to extend Hiera with a new backend that supports a different
Craig Dunn | http://w
solidated email once a week or something?
Just a thought.
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
Users" group.
To post to this group, s
or general feelings. A simple +1 or -1 would be great.
So is there an outcome to this? Is it acceptable for community members
to post Puppet related jobs here?
Craig Dunn |
Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX
You received this message becau
ed resources then you can enable
thin_storeconfigs = true in your puppet.conf which will then make it
behave as you're expecting it to by only storing resources that you
explicitly export with @@.
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
You rec
class ssh {
# manifests/hostkeys.pp
class ssh::hostkeys {
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
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Users" group.
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Does that make more sense?
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
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Users" group.
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On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 10:05 AM, ScubaDude wrote:
> I was wondering how to configure the puppet clients to only listen,
> not to periodically pull configs down from the puppetmaster.
> I'd rather push the configs out from the puppetmaster with
> puppetrun...
Running puppetd with --no-clien
> By any chance, does the "source" parameter supports HTTP URLs, if not
> then how can i do that in Puppet ?
Source currently only supports the "file" and "puppet" URI types, you could
accomplish a few ways, one is with a simple exec
exec { "wget -o /path/to/fil
I have stored configs with a Postgresql back end - for some reason, one
host, and all it's associated resources, is duplicated. I haven't got a
clue how, but it's causing errors using exported resources.Is there a
safe way to remove a host from stored config? I note from
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 9:47 AM, parag(PK) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to add multiple users onto my client, using array.
> My code snippet is like this :
> node example_node {
> $arr=["abc","xyz",]
> user{$arr:
> ensure => present,
> gid => root,
It looks like puppet 2.6 loads reports from "puppet/reports" - is
there a way to specify another location for report files so you dont
have to manually copy the .rb file to
What I'd like to do is tell puppetmasterd to also look in
Reading the latest best practices for 2.6.x I see that it recommends
generic classes for server model types to be put in
/etc/puppet/services. Sounds a sensible idea but I can't seem to find
much more information on this and services/ doesn't seem to be in the
default search path for classes.
On Jan 5, 3:24 pm, pzi wrote:
> After a quick read of the 'Installation Guide' at I see
> that there is either tar or distro options. I looked at distro option
> and see that for redhat there is only outdated
> puppet-0.25.5-1.el5.noarch.rpm
> at
a layout I've seen anyone use, people generally
maintain a full set of modules in a particular environment module directory.
Is that what you meant?
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
You received this message because you are subscribed
source: "puppet:///%{environment}/%{module_name}/preferenced.d
Your source path confuses me a bit anyway, surely your environment
dictates your modulepath and this should just be
puppet:///modules/%{module_name}/preferences.d ?
Craig Dunn
Professional Servi
Hi all
Whats the best way of depending on a module - for example, I have an lvm
and a mysql module - on booting a clean machine it's important that lvm
be set up before the mysql rpm installs as I want mysql on a volume. I
can't see an easy (clean) way of making sure the mysql module install
Hi All
I've got this configuration to manage bind, I want the exec to be run
whenever anything under /var/named or the file /etc/named.conf gets
file { "/etc/named.conf":
owner => root,
group => root,
> I'd try to change the /var/named to this:-
> file { "/var/named":
> ensure => directory,
> notify => Exec["/etc/init.d/named reload"],
> owner => named,
> group => named,
> mode=> 0644,
> require => File["/etc/named.
OK, heres what I am trying to accomplish and I have a couple of issues
with this
I have a mysql module, and other modules that require mysql users to be
set up, I thought I had this cracked with the following:
# modules/mysql/manifests/init.pp
class mysql {
... package and servi
Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> exec {"mysqlgrant-$name":
> etc
That did the trick - thanks...
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"Puppet Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to puppet-use
Hi All
I've currently got a fact that converts all environment variables to
facters for use in templating..etc, this works pretty well, but if I
push push out a new env.d file that sets some environment vars thats
needed for a module thats going to be run after (being read by
Hi All,
I'm struggling to find any decent documentation on ERB templating -
theres some limited summaries on puppets' site but I need something a
bit more in depth that covers things like arrays, for loops...etc
Is there anything out there that might help?
I'm trying to nest arrays within puppet to use in an ERB template... is
this something thats supported in puppet.
Im defining my variable as:
$var = [ [ foox, fooy ], [ barx, bary ] ]
Within my erb template, I'm doing:
var.each { |x,y|
X: <%= x %>
Y: <%= y %>
on the agent when the resource gets applied, or on the server during
catalog compilation in the form of a function? Whether or not you are
doing anything with the data returned from your call will make a
difference here.
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
ents are needed
* The component modules are the building blocks that manage resources
(eg: ssh, mysql, apache...)
Theres probably a few ways of achieving the same thing - but they key
here is abstracting the components from the nodes.
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs I
ce to minimize duplication
roles::appserver::foo roles::appserver::baretc inheriting from
roles::appserver where I might have stuff like tomcat.
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
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Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
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Users" group.
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Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
n module and then your vhosts
in a separate class namespace (sites::vhost1)... that should work.
Craig Dunn
Professional Services
Puppet Labs Inc.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
Users" g
This is cool, though I realise that it's a (self confessed) opinionated
module design, the only thing that really stands out for me is that it
follows a rather old, and limited, 'params.pp' pattern. There is no place
for Hiera in this model without hard coding hiera lookup functions in the
> and this alternative with Rip's data in module approach:
> Al
> On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:37:59 AM UTC+1, Craig Dunn wrote:
>> This is cool, t
If you change "gid => $gid" to "gid => $title" then you don't need any of
the require meta parameters in your user, group or file resource
declarations, they can be removed.
There is implied dependency between the gid of a user and the title of a
group, and between owners/groups of files and their
You seem to have a couple of misunderstandings here - Firstly what you call a
node definition isn't a node definition, that would look something like
node 'mynode-dev' {
include robin_dev
Secondly, you want to make your robin_dev class parameterized to achieve what
you want, e.g.:
You can use and/or operators in collectors
Resource <| some == 'condition' and other == 'thing' |>
On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Brent Clark wrote:
> Good day Guys.
> Is it possible to specify more than two search items in a Resource
> Collectors tag?
> e.g.
> @@nagios_se
You appear to be hitting this...
On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Louis wrote:
> I have new Vagrant Box with a recent installation of PE 3.1.3 and it fails
> the upgrade with the following error.
> Complete!
> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror,
Next time I'll read the names of ticket contributors :) doh.
On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Craig Dunn wrote:
> You appear to be hitting this...
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Louis wrote:
Drop the :: from your hiera.yaml, it's being taken literally as '::role'
rather than defining scope.
On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to categorize our Puppet agent nodes via custom facts. To do
> this, I've placed a simple text file "c
Just to clarify, apt::source is a defined resource type, not a class.
Defined resource types can be required like any other resource, for example
package { [ 'libvirt-bin', 'vzctl' ]:
ensure => present,
require => Apt::Source['openvz'],
On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:13 PM, kai wrote:
> I h
The resource title and namevar must be unique for any resource as
documented here...
Defined resource types follow the same rules and the $name variable is
always assumed to be a namevar.
On Mon, Mar 31,
I wouldn't even try to run two agent packages on the same node. But there
may be ways to configure one agent to do both tasks.
As far as I see it, your customer could run in masterless puppet apply mode
right out of the box, but would risk managing resources that you are also
managing therefore t
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Marc wrote:
Hi all,
> The code snippet below is an isolation of the problem I am facing.
> I don't understand why this produces a duplicate declaration.
> Can anyone give an explanation?
> *$ cat test.pp *
> *class foo { contain foo::bar }*
> *class foo::bar
I believe you are probably not declaring class { '::apache': } anywhere, or
it is declared after ::apache::mod::pagespeed, which means that
$::apache::mod::pagespeed::apache_version is nil (since the default doesn't
exist when the class is parsed), that's causing nil to be sent to
versioncmp() in t
I've automated IntegrationBus 9 for one of my clients - it's a bit of a
beast. I'd be happy to share the puppet module that I have written and
collaborate on it, it still has some custom quirks and it would be nice to
make it more generic and open source it.
Feel free to contact me off-list.
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Harish Kothuri
> exec{ 'cmd /c copy /Y "\\shareloc\folder1\folder2\Mysoftware.msi"
> "${pypredest}"':
Your resource title is enclosed in single quotes which means everything
will be taken literally and your variable will not be interpolated
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Harish Kothuri
> Thanks Craig,
> It works fine now.
> The reason am not using "file" is , it is taking more time to copy file
> from share than executing the simple command.
If you can quantify that with some test results it may be worth
>From reading your comments I think maybe you are misunderstanding what the
defined() function does. This function is run *server side* during the
compilation of the catalog and is saying "If this Puppet resource exists in
the catalog, yet". It is not saying "If this resource is configured on th
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Luke Bigum wrote:
> Can someone explain this to me? I thought I'd be able to change the title
> of a nagios_host resource but leave name_var the same to effectively write
> two nagios_host files to disk with the same content, but instead I'm
> triggering an error
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Joseph Lorenzini wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having a problem with external node classier. Here's the yaml output
> from the enc executable.
> The yaml output inludes a parameterized class. When p
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Alex Samad wrote:
> Hi
> I want to take ${trusted['certname']} and extract the hostname short form
> from it.
> so if i had I would like to get just thisbox
$hostpart=split($trusted['certname'], '[.]')[0]
... would be a cleaner approac
I agree with Lowe Schmidt.
Wrong tool for the job. "connect on some servers through SSH and run some
command lines" sounds like command orchestration, not configuration
management - Rundeck, ansible...etc as said.
On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Lowe Schmidt wrote:
> Hey,
> no, sorry. Pup
On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Peter Faller wrote:
> What is the effect of the 'require' metaparameter when ensure is set to
> absent, i.e. when a resource
> is removed? It seems that changes to the required resource are applied
> before changes to the requiring
> resource are applied - is that
subscribe and notify are metaparameters, as Peter Faller has already
pointed out. They do exactly the same thing in reverse of eachother,
resource A notifying resource B has the same effect as resource B
subscribing to resource A. It's generally better to use subscribe in most
cases for readabili
On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 7:45 PM, Christopher Wood <> wrote:
> So how would I auto-magically auto-paragraph hiera yaml to make it
> friendlier for more people, while still keeping it syntactically valid?
> Example two:
> ---
> one::services::enabled: true
> on
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 2:47 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> Anyway, if others have experiences and suggestions, they're welcome.
> Check out Doesn't have CI built in but it's so light and easy to
> deploy and run it's well worth a consideration over gitlab
Gogs is very good, especial
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Albert Shih wrote:
> Hi,
> When I read some recommendation about using hieradata/profile/roles I
> always find people saying to put the data inside the profile (in hiera)
> like
> profile::cms::key1: value1
> profile::mysql::key2: value2
> profile::webserveur:
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Albert Shih wrote:
> Le 16/11/2016 à 09:34:50+0100, Craig Dunn a écrit
> This is exaclty what I try to do. Event I sometime use create_resources (or
> now loop). But I don't see how I can do for a data needed by two profile
> like a
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Albert Shih wrote:
> Le 16/11/2016 à 10:34:36+0100, Craig Dunn a écrit
> > # Tomcat class has an attribute called "catalina_home" which is looked
> up from
> > hiera data binding
> > include ::tomcat
> >
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Craig Dunn wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Albert Shih
> wrote:
>> Le 16/11/2016 à 10:34:36+0100, Craig Dunn a écrit
>> > # Tomcat class has an attribute called "catalina_home" whic
On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Ugo Bellavance wrote:
> # puppet -V
> 2.7.26
It's the first time I try using tidy, am I missing something obvious?
The year?
I'm not trying to be flippant but you are trying to solve a problem on
software that was end of life many years ago now
On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 6:41 PM, Dan White wrote:
> Suggestion one: Use a newer version of Puppet.
OP mentioned he was using Satellite so just upgrading Puppet is not as
simple as it sounds, since satellite 6.2 ships with Puppet 3.8 and it quite
tightly integrated by default... it's worth noti
On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 8:53 PM, John Baird wrote:
> I am currently implementing the "hiera-http" custom backend written by
> crayfishx located: "";.
> I have some custom classes that need to run through an iteration of hiera
> hashes and perform lookups o
I've been having the exact same conversation with Henrik as I also need to
write tests for hiera-mysql, hiera-http and the Jerakia Hiera 5 backend
He suggested copying the approach used by yaml_data and json_data Puppet
core but theres a few problems with this. Firstly it uses
> With regards,
> Jos Houtman
> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 1:18:54 PM UTC+2, Craig Dunn wrote:
>> I've been having the exact same conversation with Henrik as I also need
>> to write tests for hiera-mysql, hiera-http a
On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Henrik Lindberg
> On 04/10/17 08:54, John Baird wrote:
>> Something like "lookup('/path/to/somefile.txt', scope=false)"... In this
>> manner, the user and more specifically, each lookup call can determine
>> whether or not to include the dotted key.
/message: defined 'message' as 'bar'
On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 9:35 AM, Craig Dunn wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Henrik Lindberg <
>> wrote:
>> On 04/10/17 08:54, John Baird wrote:
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Dhaval wrote:
> Thanks for your time in explaining, what i understand is "roles and
> profiles" is different from Hiera and ENC which is used for providing data
> only. Let me search for example where Hiera is used and roles and profiles
> are defined to make diffe
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Twan wrote:
> Hiera:
> session_managers:
> sm001.guest.lan:
> - agent01.guest.lan
> - agent02.guest.lan
> sm02.guest.lan
> - agent03.guest.lan
> - agent04.guest.lan
> I need to get the following:
> On session managers a list (comman
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 3:35 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 2:55:16 AM UTC-5, jamese wrote:
>> You can also use calling_module, but that probably wouldn't give the
>> granularity that you want.
> Yes, one of these is the standard way to approach such problems, provi
The validate_* functions are designed to fail the catalog if the
passed variable doesnt match the defined type, sounds like you want
the is_* functions (also from stdlib) which return true or false but
dont fail.
if ( is_string($myvar) or is_hash($myvar) ) {
} else {
fail('not a string or
You haven't provided a command to run via the command attribute, so
the provider will attempt to execute what you have in the resource
title (checkForFile) - that is to say, it is trying to execute the
command 'checkForFile', which of course, doesn't exist.
As Denmat already pointed out, this may
still satisfied and your service resource will be acted
on. All you are doing is determining order.
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Craig Dunn wrote:
> You haven't provided a command to run via the command attribute, so
> the provider will attempt to execute what you have in the
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Peter Berghold wrote:
> So... what am I missing here?
hiera_include('classes') in site.pp?
Enviatics | Automation and configuration management | @Enviatics
Puppet Training
You received this me
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 9:27 PM, leam hall wrote:
> We're looking to move from yaml and json to a database. What good options
> are along the lines of MySQL, Postgres, or MongoDB?
Are you talking about Hiera? If so, you can checkout hiera-mysql[1].
Or use something like CouchDB that's fronted wi
>> Seems to work from the command line:
>> [me@puppet puppet]$ sudo hiera ntp::servers ::fqdn=servers-fqdn
>> ::environment=production
>> [" iburst",
>> " iburst",
>> " iburst",
>> " iburst"]
>> But not on the agents?
> My idea wos now to take the Ressource "file" and put in the path-option the
> path to the share of the syslog-system, like so:
> file { "$hostname.conf":
> ensure => present,
> path=> "//server/share/$hostname.conf",
> source => template("default_nxlog_debian/default.conf.e
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Nik Haldimann wrote:
> However, my impression is that a puppet master is usually deployed within a
> private networks (e.g., internal to a data center or as part of a private
> VPC subnet on AWS). For my use case I would have to open the master to the
> public inte
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 3:10 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> I tried:
> exec{"false": before => Exec["true"]}
> exec{"true": }
> This fails because before implies a requirement.
If you don't care about a failure, why not always mask it to be true?
exec { '/bin/remove mystuff; /bin/true':
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 3:10 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> hello,
> I am looking for a way to influence run order without also doing dependencies.
> I have a case where I am removing a bit of software from my system and so as
> is
> typical things need to be done in a different order from creation,
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 4:42 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> On teardown I don't care what stays and go, just want to try my best to kill
> things
> So the resources in question are varied and custom and spread over multiple
> hosts.
> So rather than a specific solution that involves just killing t
Hi all,
For anyone that is interested, I've decided to officially bring to an
end the hiera-gpg[0] project and will not be maintaining it going
hiera-gpg was one of the first additional backends written for Hiera
and was released 4 years ago (was it *really* that long ago?). It
gained a
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Andrew Hibbert
> Hi,
> I'm looking into hiera particularly the http backend
> (
> I'm wandering when using hiera if a single lookup is done at the start of
> the puppet run or if everytime a value needs to be look
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 3:00 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 7:39:32 AM UTC-5, Sans wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I got to solve a "rare" issue here which I'm running out of ideas for. In
>> our manifest, we do some conditional git pull (using vcsrepo forgemodule)
Your code snippet suggests that facter has run, and the master is
timing out running /etc/puppet/node.rb which is the ENC script (which
happens after the facts have been sent by the agent). Are you
running Foreman/Satellite? - It sounds like you may have a network
connectivity issue here between
Is it possible that your application can manage the line it needs to manage in
a separate file to php.ini? If so you can use a combination of concat's source
and content attributes to manage this.
If for example, your application can manage a file containing just the one line
in /etc
This also depends if your requirement is only restricting users access
to data. If thats all you need then to me this is falls more into
what tool you use to store and edit your data, rather than the one you
use to look it up, you might be able to use a hiera backend more
advanced than the simple
>> I want to get the value of datadir in my puppet module. Please let me know
>> what is the syntax I need to use to fetch this value. I tried something as
>> follows but it doesn't work.
>> $datadir = hiera('mysqlconfig::custom_mysql_options[datadir]’)
> With hiera you can only specify k
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I wrote an exec class for one of my modules. And for some reason, on puppet
> runs it's not executing.
> Here's the class:
> class bacula::exec {
> exec { 'create.mysql.admin.user':
> path => "/bin",
> command =>
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 12:41 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Craig and Christan.. thanks for your input! What I was trying to do with
> 'refreshonly' statement was to get the exec statement to run only once.
> How would I be able to achieve getting the exec command to run only once?
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