pecific machine, uploading a cookbook, and executing
it? Your trying to implement the same workflow using Puppet's stand alone
mode? If this assumption is correct than we can point you in a better
direction. Nan's response would be relevant if you were using Chef Server vs.
Puppet Master.
ral months back.
RUBYLIB=$HOME/src/modules/cloud_vm/lib puppet describe -s cloud_vm
Doing stuff
access_key, api_key, ensure, flavor, id, image, name, region, user_data
Cody Herriges
Professional Service Engineer - Pupp
low for
passwords to be given on the command line. I think there is already a feature
request for passwords.
Cody Herriges
Professional Service Engineer - Puppet Labs
pgp key: 0x5DB77142 @
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We even package and freely distribute rpms for the the stable release.
Cody Herriges
Professional Service Engineer - Puppet Labs
pgp key: 0x5DB77142 @
On Feb 1, 2012, at 9:52 AM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> - Origina
ction available in
the puppet node face.
To query what nodes have what classes you can reference your ENC or like more
and more people, they grab the data live via MCollective.
Cody Herriges
Professional Service Engineer - Puppet Labs
pgp key: 0x5DB77142 @
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This seems to be a bug as things be weirder the more I test.
class test1(
$servicex = 'servicex',
$servicey = 'servicey',
$service1 = "/bar/${servicex}",
$service2 = "/bar/${servicey}",
$homex= 'homex',
$home1= "/bar/${homex}"
) {
Sorry for the past due notice but I completely forgot about the user's list.
A small group of Portland, Oregon citizens have started meeting up at 7PM every
first Monday of the month to talk Puppet. We are currently meeting at the
PuppetLabs offices downtown Portland. This month is show and tel
Next meeting of the Portland Puppet Users Group will be held on June 8th at 7PM
in Portland, Oregon, Downtown. We are going to kick back talk Puppet and
explore the Puppet Dashboard. Further details can be found at
You received this messag
Really awesome.
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Martijn wrote:
> That is very cool, Erik, and looks very useful.
> Thanks,
> Martijn
> Op maandag 27 mei 2013 20:44:19 UTC+2 schreef Erik Dalén het volgende:
>> I just released dalen-puppetdbquery 1.1.0, one cool new feature in this
>> rel