Repositories defined in yaml, yum module below. Understand some of my
floundering is still in this module so things like ensure => "present" are
not intended to be taken literally
What this really does is wipe out the entire /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
then recreates the repos from yaml, not id
I should also mention that I'm using the future parser.
On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 1:36:25 PM UTC-4, Christopher Hyatt wrote:
> Repositories defined in yaml, yum module below. Understand some of my
> floundering is still in this module so things like ensure => "presen
urging the entire directory using a file resource, you
>> just purge the yum-repo files themselves...
>> Something like:
>> resources {'yumrepo':
>> purge => true
>> }
>> should do you...
>> HTH
>> Gav