Re: [Puppet Users] Re: I can't seem to create mountpoint and change permissions after mounting in 2.7.3

2011-10-06 Thread Chris McDermott
I haven't used them yet, but isn't this what stages are meant to facilitate? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-users

Re: [Puppet Users] Problem using resources and types from puppetlabs/lvm

2013-08-23 Thread Chris McDermott
I'm kind of guessing, but it might be that you need to push out the custom providers to the client. Try putting "pluginsync = true" in the [agent] section of your puppet.conf on that client, and try again. Chris On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Andy Stevens wrote: > Hi, > > I'm struggling to m

[Puppet Users] Test the result of a hiera_hash() lookup

2013-08-23 Thread Chris McDermott
Hi folks, Is there a way to test the result of a hiera_hash() lookup in a manifest? I am trying to use hiera to do most of my configuration, like this for example: mysql::grants: 'user1@localhost': privileges: - select_priv 'user2@localhost': privileges: - select_priv

Re: [Puppet Users] Using hiera lookups with defined types

2013-08-23 Thread Chris McDermott
Well normally you would use hiera_hash() and create_resources() to do it, like this: # yaml data source --- cron_jobs::logrotate::users kenweiss: hour => 5 tomjones: hour => 3 # pp file --- class cron_jobs::logrotate ( $hour, $minute, $weekday ) { ... $user_cron_options = hiera_h

Re: [Puppet Users] Problem using resources and types from puppetlabs/lvm

2013-08-27 Thread Chris McDermott
I don't see where you declare this resource: require => Filesystem[ "/dev/mapper/root_vg-WebSphere" ], In order to require that, you would first need to declare it somewhere, for instance: filesystem { '/dev/mapper/root_vg-WebSphere': ensure => present, fstype => 'ext4', } Of course,

[Puppet Users] Cloud Provisioning

2013-08-27 Thread Chris McDermott
I'm looking for ways to manage multiple public cloud resources. Ideally I would like to support the following providers: AWS GCE Rackspace Digital Ocean Linode And I would like to be able to manage everything - instances, volumes, load balancers, IP addresses, database instances, etc. Even VPC's

Re: [Puppet Users] CREATE command denied to user 'dashboard'@'localhost' for table 'schema_migrations'

2013-08-29 Thread Chris McDermott
It looks like the mysql user 'dashboard'@'localhost' doesn't have the right set of privilege grants. Chris On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:15 PM, karl hui wrote: > Hi Puppet Users group, > > I have followed the guide to the puppet-dashboard DB "Preparing Schema" > part, once I run " rake RAILS_ENV=

Re: [Puppet Users] Fail/stop after a step fails?

2013-09-18 Thread Chris McDermott
Try the fail() function. Something like this: if ($continue != true) { fail('Condition not met, failing now.') } On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Robin Lee Powell <> wrote: > On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:35:15PM -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote: > > > > Is it possible t

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet requires second run to execute some catalog items.

2013-09-24 Thread Chris McDermott
I guess I'm confused at why aptitude would remove php5-memcache in order to upgrade php5-common. Or if it really needed to do that, shouldn't it be smart enough to automatically install the upgraded version? I confess I'm more familiar with RedHat/CentOS, and Yum is smart enough to handle upgrading

Re: [Puppet Users] Retrieving Hiera arrays from init.pp

2013-09-24 Thread Chris McDermott
I'm confused at your snippets because they don't seem right. For instance, you show: #log_special::log_vars: "test" $log_vars=log_vars, But that doesn't look syntactically correct... I'm pretty sure that would fail to compile. Anyway, I think if this really is what your yaml looks like: log_spe

Re: [Puppet Users] Automation of puppet configuration code

2013-09-24 Thread Chris McDermott
I haven't heard of any libraries for parsing or building puppet resources. But the syntax check should be fairly trivial - you can use the "puppet parser validate " command. It's fairly common practice to set up a pre-commit hook script to run that against all files modified in a git repo, for inst

Re: [Puppet Users] symlink creation using facter, but facter is nil at first run.

2013-09-24 Thread Chris McDermott
Hmm. Perhaps you could have something like this (assuming your fact is called $jdk_version): package { 'jdk': ensure => latest, } if ($::jdk_version) { file { '/usr/java/jdk': ensure => link, target => "/usr/java/${::jdk_version}", require => Package['jdk'], } } else { exec

Re: [Puppet Users] error when create database mysql with puppetlabs-mysql (v1.0.0)

2013-09-24 Thread Chris McDermott
Make sure you have set "pluginsync = true" in your puppet.conf. On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Eduardo Terzella wrote: > > Good evening, folks. > > Using the module's puppet forge to create a database I get an error below. > > Could you help me? > > *puppetlabs-mysql (v1.0.0) * > > *class mysq

Re: [Puppet Users] What's the best practice to manage software updates using puppet ?

2013-09-25 Thread Chris McDermott
I haven't found a solution that I'm totally happy with either, but what I've done in a few cases is specify particular versions with ensure. Like this: $varnish_version = $::environment ? { 'dev' => '3.0.4-1.el6', 'staging => '3.0.4-1.el6', 'prod' => '3.0.3-1.el6', } package { 'va

[Puppet Users] Error with Puppetlabs Dashboard module

2013-09-30 Thread Chris McDermott
I'm trying to use the Puppetlabs-dashboard module to install the dashboard on a new host but I'm getting an error. I am using the latest versions of the following Puppetlabs modules (as of 09/26/2013): dashboard mysql passenger apache stdlib concat The other modules are not causing problems - I c

Re: [Puppet Users] MySQL server install with datadir != /var/lib/mysql

2013-12-17 Thread Chris McDermott
I'm a bit late to this thread, but I ran into the same problem with the puppetlabs-mysql module - it's a bug in how the module was written. There is a fork by the folks at MediaTemple which addressed that issue: I've been using that successfully for