On Aug 23, 8:58 am, Jeffrey wrote:
> Noticed today that facter-1.6.0 is reporting Oracle Linux 6.1 as
> "RedHat".
I've added an issue for this on the Puppet Labs site[1] and submitted
a patch via GitHub to determine OracleLinux properly from 5 Update 6
and 6. This adds "OracleLinux" as an op
Hi Nan,
On Aug 25, 2:20 am, Nan Liu wrote:
> Should we still use OEL? If we change the the value to OracleLinux,
> besides manifests changes, we also need to update types and provider
> that are currently configured to :confine(OEL).
I would prefer to change it to OracleLinux as it is no longer
Hey Brian,
Brian wrote:
the execution of the oracle installer. It fails because it believes
that the user it is running as is not a member of the proper groups.
I work around this by not invoking runInstaller directly from Puppet.
Rather, I use a File{} resource to send down a wrapper script
Hey Douglas,
Douglas Garstang wrote:
I need to pass sensitive options, ie passwords, on the command line,
and don't want them to appear in log files.
I work around this by storing passwords in scripts distributed by File{}
resources that are mode 400 to root and then Exec'ing the script. That
Jim Bala wrote:
For the benefit of those running OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) or OVS,
BTW, you should be aware that Puppet 2.6 now supports Oracle Database
(including RAC) as a backend for storeconfigs. I have written a blog
post on how to configure this which should go up on blogs.ora
Hey Douglas
Douglas Garstang wrote:
How can I guarantee that all components of the LDAP client module get
installed before ANY components of any other module?
Take a look at the new Run Stages[1] functionality in Puppet 2.6. Run
stages would allow you to specify that the LDAP class has to run
Hi Chris,
On 14/08/2010, at 8:48 AM, Christopher Johnston wrote:
> Since some of them all use the same options (user, group, mode, etc) with the
> same values is there a way to set them globally once and have all of them get
> inherited so I don't have to repeat entries?
File {
Hi Chris,
On 14/08/2010, at 8:48 AM, Christopher Johnston wrote:
> Since some of them all use the same options (user, group, mode, etc) with the
> same values is there a way to set them globally once and have all of them get
> inherited so I don't have to repeat entries?
File {
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:01 PM, parag(PK) wrote:
> I wanted to automate this, as my server do not want to execute the
> same command again and again for various clients.
You want to configure autosign.conf -- take a look at
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Tim wrote:
> puppetd[7303]: (//munin/Config-file[muninnode]/File[/etc/m
> unin/munin-node.conf]) Failed to retrieve current state of resource:
Are you using the built-in webrick server that comes with Puppet or
have you switched to either Mongrel or Passenger
Hi Geoff,
On 16/09/10 11:05 PM, Geoff wrote:
I'm attempting to automate the install of an Oracle RAC and the
installer requires a whole raft of 32bit rpms even on a 64bit OS.
Why not use the oracle-validated[1] metapackage to pull in all the
requirements? It's much simpler.
Greg Haase wrote:
Are you aware of any documentation that clearly explains how this
collect/export functionality works?
Exporting and collecting resources relies on stored configuration[1]
being enabled on your Puppet Master. You should ensure that the database
is configured and working befor
Al @ Lab42 wrote:
Now, please, don't tell me that I should make a php-oci8 package and
distribute it, I know that.
At the risk of raising your ire, are you aware that Oracle has already
made php-oci8 packages:
Daniel Piddock wrote:
You can use a variable in the source path definition. e.g.
Though, using puppet:///module/files/config.cfg.$hostname as the source
means it can sit inside the module, so all your configs can be in a
single class in a single module. I fin
Corey Osman wrote:
I am somewhat new to puppet and I wanted to show a demo that automated the
install of oracle to my DBA in hopes to entice him to start automating his
An automated Oracle install is pretty complicated. I've been a Linux
Sysadmin for about 10 years and I've
Mike Lococo wrote:
2) Use the yum-driven options *AND* run your own satellite server so you
can ping it as often as you like.
You don't need a Satellite Server for this, just a plain Yum server will
do, which is essentially just httpd + createrepo for RHEL5. This is
about 2 seconds worth of w
On 21/02/11 5:20 PM, Cosimo Streppone wrote:
Is there any puppet users group / hackers meeting
of some sort in Melbourne?
Not for Puppet specifically (that I know of), but you might want to
check out DevOps Melbourne: http://www.meetup.com/devops-melbourne/
You received this
Hi gang,
Is it possible to test if a particular resource has already been
defined? I'd like to do something like this:
if !Host["$fqdn"] {
host {"$fqdn": ip => "$ipaddress_eth0" }
Essentially, test to see if there is no Host resource defined for the
current server and if not, add a host
Eric Gerlach wrote:
> It sounds like you might be trying to define a host in more than one place.
> I'm just a journeryman myself, but I think according to The Puppet Way (TM)
> that's a Bad Thing (TM).
Yes, I am and yes, it is, but I don't have (much) choice without making
our manifests rather
On 20/06/2009, at 8:01 AM, Scott Smith wrote:
> Why don't you just define it virtually and realize it at will?
Because the value for the IP address changes depending on where it
appears in the manifest. I'm working in an environment where each
server has at least 2 and up to 6 addresses, an
Dan wrote:
> hope that there is an alternative within puppet that will keep me from
> editing all the host files.
Also, if you're using the RPMs for an EL-based distro (Red
Hat/CentOS/Oracle), you can edit /etc/sysconfig/puppet and specify the
FQDN of the Puppet Master.
Swati Tiwari wrote:
> The command runs fine but it does not create /tmp/githubadded file.
I think you're misunderstanding the parameter. The exec resource does
not create this file. It assumes whatever it is exec'ing will create the
file. So, it will keep running the exec until this file is cre
Sharada wrote:
> Any one able to join puppet chat from :
> http://reductivelabs.com/home/irc/
Freenode has banned all web clients[1] except their own.
You need to use http://webchat.freenode.net instead.
[1] http://blog.freenode.net/2009/06/new-freenode-webchat-and-why-to-use-it/
Scott Smith wrote:
> Am fairly certain --test implies --dry-run and won't actually enact
> any changes.
Sorry, but --test certainly does apply changes. We use it a lot!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
Matt Delves wrote:
> Is there a way to specify this?
If you're using Yum as the provider, yes:
package { "package.i386": ensure => latest, provider => "yum" }
package { "package.x86_64": ensure => latest, provider => "yum" }
Works fine on my test system.
Also, if you're interested in getting a
Ohad Levy wrote:
> It does work, the main problem is that usually libs are dependents of
> other rpms.
Yum just pulls in the various dependencies automatically for me. Seems
to work fine just specifying the target RPM.
You received
Ohad Levy wrote:
> I need to double check this, but from vague memory I remember that if
> you had one rpm that required a package, and if it didn't specify that
> it requires both archs, than it would end up installing the package +
> 64bit lib only and not the 32bit libs.
Correct -- but that's
On 02/09/2009, at 5:43 PM, David Schmitt wrote:
>> alias => ["$fqdn", "$hostname"]
> yes, but you have to "include host" somewhere in the node.
Also, don't put the $fqdn into the alias field. It is automatically
added by the host provider. You just need the $hostname.
Hi James,
James Turnbull wrote:
> I'm also - if provided with sufficient coffee - going to do a
> documentation sprint for the new wiki.
I'm happy to assist with the documentation effort, considering I'm not a
Ruby programmer. :) Though, I only arrive on the Wednesday, so I may be
asleep for s
Ben Beuchler wrote:
> How are those staying at the Serrano planning to get to the SFSU
> conference center? Looks like it's about 45 minutes via public
> transit...
I somehow got a people-mover as a rental car (go Hertz!) so I can take
at least 5 more people. I'm at the Hyatt, but could sw
pinoyskull wrote:
> I tried to run it both ways, background and not, still the same issue.
You're assuming the OUI (runInstaller) is actually reporting a problem
when it exits. This is not always the case. I would recommend not
running runInstaller directly with exec{}. Rather, wrap it int
Hi Adam,
Adam Ryczkowski wrote:
> What am I missing?
The step that creates the configuration also writes a genconfig = true
line into puppet.conf. Remove that line, and puppetmasterd will stop
outputting configuration and start acting like a puppetmaster instead. :)
James Turnbull wrote:
> But you can't connect a client to the master without signing a
> certificate or turning autosign on.
You can if the client is question is the master itself: it signs it's
own certificates automatically, so puppet on the master will
auto-connect without requiring a m
JoE wrote:
> Am I doing something wrong?
When you run --genconfig it adds genconfig=true to the puppet.conf file.
You need to remove that line (or comment it out) so that Puppet stops
just generating the config and starts doing something more useful. :)
Brandon Evans wrote:
> I'm pretty sure the auth.conf is required in puppet 0.25.x. Try adding
> the default one to your puppet conf directory on the puppetmaster.
I'm happily running 0.25.1 without an auth.conf and haven't seen any issues.
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Could not find dependency
> File[/opt/jboss/jboss-current/conf/tfel-bindings.xml] for
> Service[jboss-tfel2] at
> /etc/puppet/modules/jboss/manifests/init.pp:38; using cached catalog
It is expanding ${version} to "current" as shown by the jboss-current
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> define tomcat::create_inst($software, $version = "current",
> $server_port, $connector_port) {
> #
> # Create a symlink.
> #
> "/opt/tomcat/$name/$software/tomcat-current":
> require => Package["apache-tomcat-$name-$s
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Yes, it's defined in a class.
Can you pastie the entire thing somewhere? It's difficult to tell if
there is perhaps a scoping issue unless we can see the entire manifest
You received this m
Hi Douglas,
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Actually, I just noticed that puppetd was using approx 1.5Gb of memory
> before it barfed. Nice...
If you're running on RHEL/CentOS, there is a known issue with the Ruby
that ships with that distribution that causes memory leaks. I have a
cronjob that rest
jokeeffe wrote:
> Hi, I'm a puppet newbie. Is there a way to install an rpm from the
> files served by the puppet master? If so, what am I doing wrong (see
> below)? If this isn't possible, how should I be installing custom
> rpms?
High-level explanation:
You need to create a Yum repository
Hi Adam,
sektoid0 wrote:
> Only chance to cleanly install it is to put both packages at
> once to rpm -i rpm1 rpm2. Or -i --nodeps on each one. It seems that
> non of these options are present in puppet package type. Any ideas?
Create a local Yum repository for those RPMs (using the createrepo to
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> First post didn't appear on the list (gee, like that doesn't happen
> all the time)
Google Groups doesn't send emails back to the original sender. If you
want to check if an email has hit the list, check the web interface at
Bryan Schneiders wrote:
> name => "local-$lsbdistid-$release-$architecture",
Try this instead:
name => "local-${lsbdistid}-${release}-${architecture}",
I use this method of referencing variables when sending out my local Yum
repositories, and it works for me.
You r
Nigel Kersten wrote:
I think this is the bit confusing people. The wiki makes it sound like
the [plugins] mountpoint is optional, and you only need to worry about
removing the path parameter if you already have a plugins mountpoint.
The [plugins] mount point is optional: I don't even have
Hey gang,
Does anyone have/know of a "What is Puppet?" type presentation that I
can use for management types? Essentially I need to tell them all about
what Puppet can do and why it's so awesome. :)
I could write my own, but I'm lazy^H^H^H^H hoping to leverage off the
efforts of the communit
Michael DeHaan wrote:
Might be something to mine here :)
That's exactly what I was looking for. Go go crowd-surfed Google
searching. :)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
John Arundel wrote:
Do they like badly hand-drawn cartoons? If so, feel free to use mine:
Thanks, I quite like yours!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to puppet-us...@googlegroups.com.
To uns
I'm pretty new to Puppet, but if you cut and paste from your existing
configuration, perhaps this could be your problem:
Jason Slagle wrote:
> $myhosts = [$hostname, $extrahosts]
> $myhost = $hostname
You have $myhosts vs $myhost. You then only reference $myhost:
> alias =>
Hey gang,
I seem to be having a brain disconnect on how to get the Augeas type to
manage things that have multiple values (i.e. an Augeas tree) via Puppet.
If I run this in augtool:
augtool> set /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowGroups/1000 sshuser
augtool> save
I see this in /etc/ssh/sshd_conf
Hey Bryan,
Bryan Kearney wrote:
>augeas { "sshd_conf_group_sshuser":
>context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
>changes => "set AllowGroups/1 sshuser",
>onlyif => "match AllowGroups != sshuser
This doesn't seem to work either. If I try it without the "on
Hi David,
David Lutterkort wrote:
> If you are using Augeas 0.4.0 or newer, you can use the following:
Unfortunately, I'm using Augeus 0.3.6, which is the latest version in
EPEL. I will download the 0.4.0 sources and rebuild the RPM and give it
a whirl.
Any idea when 0.4.0 will show up on EPE
Hey David,
David Lutterkort wrote:
> EPEL only pushes from epel-testing to epel infrequently (usually when a
> coresponding RHEL update release happens) That means that if you want
> updates in between, you need to enable the epel-testing repo.
Awesome, thanks!
Hey list,
Bryan Kearney wrote:
> onlyif => "match AllowGroups/*[.='sshuser'] size == 0",
Just to let you all know that this works perfectly with Augeas 0.4.1-1
from EPEL-testing.
Now to move onto using Augeas with the pam.d files. :) I have to work
out how to remove lines that ar
Hi David,
David Lutterkort wrote:
> You definitely should read up on path expressions[1] for that, and maybe
> even have a look at the test cases for them[2], since they show some
> more esoteric uses.
I'm still having a bit of a brain disconnect on converting Augeas' XPath
stuff into Puppet ty
David Lutterkort wrote:
> If you have Augeas 0.4.1 on both the puppet client and master (count was
> only added in 0.4.1) this should work. Bryan, any ideas what could be
> wrong ?
I have upgraded both my test client and master to 0.4.1 and I have
worked out the problem. Switching to this o
David Lutterkort wrote:
> Ouch .. you are right. There's a bug that makes '>' mean'>=' and '>='
> mean '>'. I'll commit a fix.
Well, on the plus side, it means I'm not actually going insane. :)
Quick question: I'm trying to have multiple onlyif matches using
standard Puppet syntax, i.e.
Hi David,
David Lutterkort wrote:
> Yeah, that's what that means. Here's a dirty trick to check multiple
> conditions:
Your assistance so far has been awesome. If I had more time to play, I'm
sure I could solve this in time, but I'm being hammered by the security
teams and I need to get a solu
David Lutterkort wrote:
> Augeas will not actually change the file if it stays byte-for-byte
> identical, even if you made changes to the tree (e.g. change the value
> of a node to something new, then back to the old thing)
Well, that's handy. :)
Hey guys,
David Lutterkort wrote:
> If you have Augeas 0.4.1 on both the puppet client and master (count was
> only added in 0.4.1) this should work. Bryan, any ideas what could be
> wrong ?
Just a follow-up and warning: if you try this on an older version of
augeas (0.3.5 in my case), it tends
Hey gang,
During the build of our Linux (EL4 and EL5) images, the kickstart
process writes out a file (/etc/sysconfig/soe) that contains:
SOE_VERSION="Version string"
I then have /etc/profile.d/facter.sh scripts that has this:
. /etc/sysconfig/puppet
. /etc/sysconf
Frank Sweetser wrote:
> The files in /etc/profile.d are, as you found out, only loaded for interactive
> login sessions. I'd recommend putting those lines directly into
> /etc/sysconfig/puppet (except for the first one, of course), as it's
> considered a config file anyway.
That seems like an
Steve Wray wrote:
> I prefer the second one but cannot fathom why the syntax is wrong.
Inline syntax is a little different:
package { ntp:
ensure => $lsbdistcodename ? {
sarge => present,
default => absent,
Hope that helps,
Hey gang,
I'm having an issue on EL5 making FACTER_ style environment variables
visible to Facter when called by the Puppet daemon.
My first attempt was to create /etc/profile.d/facter.[c]sh scripts that
set the correct variables. This worked fine when Facter was called on
the command line (a
Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> It appears that $virtual doesn't work on Xen :(
It does for me. I get $virtual = xenu or xen0 on my boxes. Will have to
check the exact Facter version, but I can tell you it's whatever's in EPEL.
You received
Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> I just installed 1.5.4 from epel-testing on my VM and still get virtual
> => physical. Maybe it's because I am running RHEL4 on my VM? Or because
> my VM is fully virt?
I would guess the latter -- my EL4 and EL5 paravirt guests both report
xenu, as they are running xenU ke
Sam Abed wrote:
> how do you then download *all* the packages installed on the 400 or so
> servers from redhat, to seed your local repo ?
This OTN article from Oracle on creating a local repository from ULN
could probably be modified fairly easily to be used with RHEL.
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Thomas Bikeev wrote:
> echo 'package {"apache2": ensure => installed, noop => true, }' |
There is no apache2 package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You need to
install the "httpd" package instead.
Hey gang,
I'm using the latest Puppet/Augeas RPMs from EPEL testing:
I have the following in my Puppet manifest:
augeas { "rpm":
context => "/etc/logrotate.d/rpm",
changes => [ "set rule/create/mode 0640",
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
> One augeas nuance that makes it way up into puppet all files in
> augeas are stored under /files. So.. you should write your command as below:
I knew this, and stared at that block for ages and still didn't spot
that! Though, i
Bryan Kearney wrote:
> Are these commands in augtool or commands in puppet? I want to see if
> the puppet type is causing issues not in augtool.
Could it be related to this bug I logged:
David Lutterkort wrote:
>> I attached a little standalone
>> program that does the scanning right (I'll also attach that to ticket
David -- am I supposed to do something with this attachment? :)
You received this message because yo
David Lutterkort wrote:
> Somebody (not necesarily you, and I'd do it if I had time for it) needs
> to take the parse_commands method in there and replace the one in the
> current Augeas provider with it;
I suspect the someone should have some experience with Ruby, unlike
myself. :) I shall wa
On 21/04/2009, at 11:39 PM, Daniel Dekok wrote:
> Last week we upgraded a bunch of our machines to 0.24.8, using the
> 1.el4.1 rpm from epel/redhat, and ever since then, it looks like
> they're no longer doing any runs on the half hour.
I think you are hitting the same Facter bug that I did wit
On 22/04/2009, at 5:29 PM, manowar wrote:
> Apologies if this is covered elsewhere. I've had a hunt through
> Google, Redline, and the FAQs but dont see it.
Actually, I sent an email about this yesterday:
I think you are hitting the same Facter bug that I did with EL4.
Essentially, Facter ha
manowar wrote:
> facter (1.5.4) seems to run fine when it's called from the command
> line on its own, and as mentioned called from cron does the job.
Yes, those both work -- however, Facter as called by Puppet still hangs.
It was pretty tricky to debug, but after being taught how to strace th
On 25/04/2009, at 12:31 PM, James Turnbull wrote:
> Depends on HOW you upgrade. If you install from source (install.rb)
> then no old files are removed.
I think this is a problem in the RPM -- I had the same error when I
upgraded Facter via RPM from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4. Though, restarting Puppet
Hi Rob,
Rob McBroom wrote:
> err: //was/Augeas[shutdown]: Failed to retrieve current state of
> resource: Error sending command 'ins 0 after *[id=' with params ["si",
> "]"]/Command 'ins 0 after *[id=' is not supported
I think you're hitting this bug that I reported:
Vincent Louviaux wrote:
> I have a lot of systems where the puppetd doesn't do anything ..
Have you recently upgraded Puppet and/or Facter? If so, you are hitting
the same Facter bug that I did with EL4. Essentially, Facter hangs
trying to read /proc/uptime and /proc/virtual (on my XenU
Paul wrote:
> mysql_database { "$name_staging": ensure => present }
mysql_database { "${name}_staging": ensure => present }
I ran into a similar problem with multiple yumrepo types in a single define.
You received this
Geoff Crompton wrote:
> How do I use that in other classes and resources? The Language tutorial
> http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/LanguageTutorial doesn't
> mention them.
The TypeReference page does. Check the exec {} type in the example:
exec { "/usr/bin/apt-get update":
Arnau Bria wrote:
> I've just updated my server to puppet-server-0.24.8-1.el5.1 (from epel)
> and noticed that puppet-server stopped writing in its log:
It hasn't stopped writing it's logs, it's stopping working completely.
Upgrade Facter to 1.5.5 and restart Puppet to resolve this issue. It's
81 matches
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