Please have a look at this init.pp file.
In short, I have defined two classes that do some stuff & then I define
that the resources in one class should be executed before the resources of
the other class by usi
12 7:11:56 PM UTC+5:30, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, October 11, 2012 11:48:29 PM UTC-5, Abhijeet Rastogi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a situation where loading of facts & caching for catalog is done.
>> After that, the puppet fails wit
I don't even have it installed. Thing is, I can add the user by using "-g".
But, why is puppet not able to do so, that's what is wondering me.
On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:51:37 PM UTC+5:30, Jesse Throwe wrote:
> Generally when I see weird errors like this with users/group nscd has
> gotten
mysql instance and
does it's job.
Although, second option is the most optimal way to do, it also
requires more man hours. I would be happy to choose something that's
already built and tested. Any ideas?
Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
You received this message because you are
show_rows, add_rows &
>> delete_rows. And then call "exec" with conditionals to alter these
>> rows.
>> 2. Write a custom type/resource which connects to mysql instance and
>> does it's job.
>> Although, second option is the most optimal way
nce]/ensure: change from
absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list
openstack-glance' returned
1: Error: No matching Packages to list
Dependency Package[openstack-glance] has
> On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 7:59:00 AM UTC-6, Abhijeet Rastogi wrote:
> [...]
> class profile::base {
>> anchor { 'base_repos_start': }
>> class { '::yum::repo::epel': require => Anchor['base_repos_start
Hi everyone,
puppet lookup command has a nice --facts option which accepts a structured
json/yaml file to upload files.
Why does that option not exist for puppet apply? Is the environment
variable the only option?
Puppet version: 6.0.4
You received this message because
Hi Puppet users,
I have the following code and all resources inside class ipvsadm are not
executed before all resources in class ipvs_keepalived.
class profile::ipvs {
# Removed other classes for readability
include '::ipvs_keepalived'
include '::ipvsadm'
# Need ipvsadm kernel module
-> Class['ipvs_keepalived::service']
> I'm not a huge fan of creating relationships between components of
> modules, but sometimes that's the best way forward.
> Watch the use of contain. It can be easy to create dependency cycles
> particularly if you&
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