I'm beginning with puppetlabs/cisco_ios module. For the moment, just a
proof of concept.
These are the modules I have installed:
├── puppetlabs-cisco_ios (v0.6.1)
├── puppetlabs-concat (v5.1.0)
├── puppetlabs-device_manager (v2.7.0)
├── puppet
El 30/11/18 a las 14:29, Ángel L. Mateo escribió:
In _manifests/site.pp_ I have:
node default {
device_manager {'switch_cisco_pruebas':
type => 'cisco_ios',
credentials => {
address => '',
port => '22',
El 30/11/18 a las 15:16, Will Meek escribió:
Hi Angel,
I'm having a look at this now.
The manifest you supplied looks to be device_manager setup, which is
executed either by an agent (if set in an environment) or 'puppet apply'
rather than 'puppet device'.
This sets up the device.conf ready
ntp_server/ios: superclass
mismatch for class NtpServer
Error: Could not autoload puppet/type/ntp_server: Could not autoload
puppet/provider/ntp_server/ios: superclass mismatch for class NtpServer
Error: Could not autoload puppet/type/ntp_server: Could not autoload
puppet/provider/ntp_server/ios: s
El 5/12/18 a las 12:11, Will Meek escribió:
Hi Angel,
Thank you for the detail so far!
The only way I can reproduce this on my setup is with having
puppetlabs-cisco_ios 0.5.0 installed in the production environment,
whereby puppet tries to pick up the old 'ios' provider rather than the
I have it working and I can run puppet device to send configuration to
Now, I would like to configure the agent proxy so I don't have to
manually run puppet device to send configuration to devices, but to
puppet agent doing it for me in every run. Is this possible, how do I
have to
I have a puppet resource I would like it to be processed just in one
run every day, I don't need it to be processed in every run.
Is this possible? How?
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)