The Puppet Learning VM is a fond memory of most long term Puppet users. It
was often one of the first interactions with Puppet and after some
inevitable fumbling with VirtualBox or corporate laptop issues gave a fun
and focused way to learn Puppet via the various quests.As technology has
moved on a
Tracked here:
On Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 1:43:54 PM UTC-7 Firstname Lastname wrote:
> Hi,
> I am maintaining my puppet repo with the apt class, which currently
> results in non-working apt file as there is no bookworm package at
> apt.puppetlab
>From time to time we are seeing log files created with ¿ in the name by one
of the apps we are using. It's a valid file name but Tidy spits it dummy.
We have to go and manually delete the file before Puppet agent can run
I could understand this if a illegal file name had so
$mykeytab = lookup('mymodule::mykeytab')
file { '/path/to/mykeytab':
ensure => file,
content => $mykeytab,
Replace "content => $mykeytab" with "content => Binary($mykeytab)" so that
the data is serialized to the agent correctly.