Hi Puppet users,
I have the following code and all resources inside class ipvsadm are not
executed before all resources in class ipvs_keepalived.
class profile::ipvs {
# Removed other classes for readability
include '::ipvs_keepalived'
include '::ipvsadm'
# Need ipvsadm kernel module
Hi everyone.
When I search documentation about tasks, plan and bolt, almost all
documentation I find talk about puppet enterprise version.
So if I use puppet community version, what can I do with taks/plans and
more important what I cannot do (vs Puppet Enterprise).
Albert SHIH
You're running afoul of class containment or more precisely the lack
thereof. Covered here https://puppet.com/blog/class-containment-puppet/
You can swap 'include ipvsadm::config' for 'contain ipvsadm::config'
though you may need more contain statements. If they are third party
modules you'd p
On 2019-11-25 9:59 a.m., Florin Dragos wrote:
> We're planning to do major releases of puppetlabs-concat (7.0.0) this week,
> dropping 6.1.0. The new version will remove support for Ubuntu 14.04 and
> add support for CentOS 8 and Debian 10.
so... puppetlabs-concat is dropping support for the cur
No. Dropping support only for Ubuntu 14.04. Adding support for Debian 10
and Cebtos 8.
On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 at 06:35, Gabriel Filion wrote:
> On 2019-11-25 9:59 a.m., Florin Dragos wrote:
> > We're planning to do major releases of puppetlabs-concat (7.0.0) this
> week,
> > dropping 6.1.0. The new