Hi Guys!
The certificat of the client itself is not used for communication to
puppet-master. Agent use for this its private key that can be schared
between your immutable PXE hosts. You cat just rename (m.b. in rc.local)
this private key during machine startup to correspond to new hostname of
Hello again,
So I read up and watched the wonderful presentations suggested here. I am
certain this is the direction for our environment.
I have a question regarding the functionality of the profiles in regards to
file resources using the "source" option that replaces a file if it has
Roles and profiles don't change your hiera usage much. In your profile just
`include file_config` and in hiera keep the same keys you already have
working. Hiera will do the legwork of automatic parameter lookup no matter
how the class is included, so your results should be the same.
On Sat,
Ahh ok , so i am overthinking this..instead of declaring this class in
resource like fashion just use the "include class" method ... If so that
simple concept makes perfect sense.
Thank you very much
On Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 3:52:52 PM UTC-7, Joe wrote:
> Hello All,
> Does Puppet C