Thanks Gav,
It's a good idea, though on the surface I don't think it will work for us
(we're trying to spin stuff up from a gold image using an ENC, and I think
having an extra magic step in between is a greater evil than explicit
declarations), but you've got me thinking down some other lines
jamesg@puppet-master:/etc/puppet$ sudo puppet module list --environment
└── garethr-docker (v4.1.1)
├── AlexCline-dirtree (v0.2.1)
├── AlexCline-fstab (v0.5.4)
[ lots of others ]
Why does puppet list the modules in the
where i can read logs about certificate requests?
четверг, 28 января 2016 г., 17:46:57 UTC+1 пользователь Alex M написал:
> but when run as Administrator i receive an error:
> C:\>puppet agent -t
> Info: Caching certificate for
> Error: Could not request certificate:
/etc/puppet/modules is available for all environments (if I am not
Lowe Schmidt | +46 723 867 157
On 29 January 2016 at 10:43, James Green wrote:
> jamesg@puppet-master:/etc/puppet$ sudo puppet module list --environment
> tools_office
> /etc/puppet/environments/tools_office/modul
so, i fixed it. by reinstalling Windows... but it isn't a good solution.
пятница, 29 января 2016 г., 10:47:32 UTC+1 пользователь Alex M написал:
> where i can read logs about certificate requests?
> четверг, 28 января 2016 г., 17:46:57 UTC+1 пользователь Alex M написал:
>> but when run
So when I replace list with upgrade and specify which module within that
environment to upgrade, am I expecting that module's dependencies to be
upgraded / installed in the common modules? I ask as we got quite the
fright what that happened...
I just tested with --modulepath=environments/tools_off
I've made some good progress, and am agonisingly close.
I have the below code which extracts the role into a variable (ugly, but it
works). I had kinda assumed that Facter.Add would work server-side, but
I've discovered that it doesn't. So now, my problem is simple how to make
a string calcul
Am 29.01.2016 um 13:03 schrieb Gareth Humphries:
> Any ideas?
Can you derive the role from the hostname? I do something similar to
determine the location of a machine based on IP address range. So I have
lib/facter/location.rb in one of my modules, with the following content:
# Set location of a
Hi Dirk,
That's a good idea, thanks. In our case we have a lot of legacy hosts and
no good naming convention - combined with an eye to a future of cloud-bases
services (with undefined hostnames), and I think in our case that approach
won't be maintainable.
A good solution without those constra
On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 4:25:36 AM UTC-6, Alex M wrote:
> so, i fixed it. by reinstalling Windows... but it isn't a good solution.
No, that's not a good solution at all. Fortunately, it's also not a
necessary one.
The agent and master each identify themselves to the other via an
On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 3:29:29 AM UTC-6, Gareth Humphries wrote:
> Thanks Gav,
> It's a good idea, though on the surface I don't think it will work for us
> (we're trying to spin stuff up from a gold image using an ENC, and I think
> having an extra magic step in between is a greate
ENC is the end game, but we have legacy hosts this has to work on. Right
now I have site.pp which has a list of unpleasant regexes and an 'include
role::' stanza for each. I could put '$role= ;
include role::$role' in each of them instead, but I would have to do that
in every single case, whi
- Original Message -
> From: "Gareth Humphries"
> To: "puppet-users"
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:50:50 PM
> Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Making a "role" fact work
> ENC is the end game, but we have legacy hosts this has to work on. Right
> now I have site.pp which has a list of
This might be relevant:!searchin/puppet-users/luke$20bigum|sort:date/puppet-users/XWAcm152cyQ/P_rpi50XBAAJ
The ENC above inserts a top scope variable into a node's manifest, designed
to be used as a "role" Fact. It reads from one of two YAML files, either
Normally, yes, but in this case it needs a class list locally to populate
the fact, and it doesn't have that until after a run.
Facts get sent to the master, where classes are allocated and a catalog
compiled, then the catalog sent back to the client. Without the initial
catalog, the client has
Thanks Luke, I'll give that a whirl. May prove helpful indeed!
On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 4:07:42 PM UTC, Luke Bigum wrote:
> This might be relevant:
> The ENC above
On 1/29/16, 11:14 AM, "Gareth Humphries" wrote:
Normally, yes, but in this case it needs a class list locally to populate the
fact, and it doesn't have that until after a run.
Facts get sent to the master, where classes are allocated and a catalog
compiled, then the catalog sent back to the cl
- Original Message -
> From: "Gareth Humphries"
> To: "puppet-users"
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 5:14:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Making a "role" fact work
> Normally, yes, but in this case it needs a class list locally to populate
> the fact, and it doesn't have that
Absolutely. I'm trying to do something weird, and that's why I'm failing.
Let there be no doubt about that.
On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 4:16:36 PM UTC, R.I. Pienaar wrote:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Gareth Humphries" >
> > To: "puppet-users" >
> > Sent: Friday, Janua
Hi all,
Just trying to solve a little thing: I understand that inline_template()
gets complied on the PM and return the result that is not native to puppet
agent . i.e.
$ls_users = inline_template("<%= `cat /etc/passwd|awk -F: '{print $1}'` %>")
notify { "THE SITE NAME: ${ls_users}": }
will p
Hi Santanu,
Hope your well.
This kind of thing is exactly what custom facts are for. Write a custom fact to
report the users.
Steve Traylen
From: Sans
Sent: 29 Jan 2016 7:16 pm
To: Puppet Users
Subject: [Puppet Users] How to run shell command on puppet agent
Hi all,
Just trying t
Steve, how you doing?? It's been very long time...
The list-of-users was just an example. The command that I actually wanna
run is:
$site_id = inline_template("<%= `/usr/bin/mysql -h0 -u${db_user}
-p${db_password} -s -r -N -e 'SELECT id FROM
Hello All!
Im trying to write new type which will add resource to catalog, but i have
problem with 'notify' property.
New resources are added to catalog, but unfortunately notify is not working.
parameters = {:name => 'test', :notify => 'Service[test-service]', :value =>
res = catalog.crea
Hi there,
Need to iterate over an arry, so was trying the Future Parser. Using a very
simple example:
$alpha = ['a','b','c']
each($alpha) |String $value| { notice( "Hi there, ${value}" ) }
but getting this error:
*Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
I'm creating a module, and I want to override the file resource for
puppet.conf which is defined within a module called "puppet". The resource
declaration looks like this:
# modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
class puppet {
file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
content => template(
I'm creating a module, and I want to override the file resource for
puppet.conf which is defined within a module called "puppet". The resource
declaration looks like this:
# modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
class puppet {
file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
content => template(
On 1/29/16 6:05 PM, Kyle Flavin wrote:
> I'm creating a module, and I want to override the file resource for
> puppet.conf which is defined within a module called "puppet". The
> resource declaration looks like this:
> |
> # modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
> classpuppet {
> file {
On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 3:44:24 PM UTC-8, Garrett Honeycutt wrote:
> Hi Kyle,
> I think you have a scoping issue, try using the double colons for the
> puppet class, such as 'class foreman-proxy::puppet inherits ::puppet'.
> You seem to be using inheritance correctly to override a r
28 matches
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