Hi all,
I have found a problem setting up exported resources. The problem is
that for every hosts I want to define in its /etc/hosts the primary ip, but
I want to export a secondary ip with the same hostname that will be
collected just by one server. So I defined:
@@host { $::hostname
Hi all,
I'm trying to setup an external node classifier and I'm running into an
error that I haven't been able to resolve.
*Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Failed when searching for node puppet.myhost.com: Failed to find
puppet.myhost.com via exec: Ex
Have you tried to run the command with the same user the puppet master is
running? (Usually puppet)
El 12/07/2014 13:39, "Taylor Leese" escribió:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to setup an external node classifier and I'm running into an
> error that I haven't been able to resolve.
> *Error
I probably also should have mentioned I am using Ubuntu 14 and this is
running locally via Vagrant and the Vagrant agent provisioner. I've tried
running the puppet agent manually after the Vagrant provisioning fails and
I receive the same error message.
Jose - When you say "the command" what d
The node classifier command is launched by the same user the runs puppet
master, and normally it is the 'puppet' user.
You should try running the node classifier command in the puppet master
with the same user it runs.
El 12/07/2014 13:52, "Taylor Leese" escribió:
> I probably also shou
Jose - Ah, the puppet master itself is running as the "puppet" user.
*root@puppet:/etc/puppet# ps -ef | grep puppet*
*root 1362 1 0 10:55 ?00:00:02 /usr/bin/ruby
/usr/bin/puppet agent*
*puppet 20719 1 0 11:31 ?00:00:00 Passenger RackApp:
It's also worth mentioning that even if I chown and chgrp
/root/.facter/facts.d to puppet I still receive the same error. That also
doesn't seem like it should be the solution. I found two Puppet issues that
may be related, but it's not entirely clear if they are exactly the same.
On 2014-11-07 16:38, Chris Cowley wrote:
OK, so what it the recommended way to do this? Somehow it is not
something I have come up against before, I have the impression that it
is a lot harder than simply:
if $variable {
do stuff
In version before Puppet 4.0.0 the values as boolean map li