I suggest you to remove all the files and directories at /var/lib/puppet/ssl
like that:
# rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl
Check again at the puppet master:
# puppet cert --all and --list |grep hostname
You is using autosign.conf ?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
Em quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014 01h44min01s UTC-2, bluethundr
> Hey all,
> I'm getting the following puppet error on only one of my hosts. The rest
> are all producing clean puppet runs. Can anyone please clarify for me the
> meaning of this error and if it's innocuous
I was getting that error but I manage to solve it doing this:
*cp /usr/share/puppet/ext/rack/files/config.ru
/usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/ *
Give Puppet correct permission to access the Rack config:
*chown puppet:puppet /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/config.ru *
Here's the site.pp:
import 'nodes.pp'
$puppetserver = 'puppet.jokefire.com'
And relevant node definitions:
node 'base' {
include bash, sudo, puppet, ca, nagios, munin, ssh, gpg, xinetd, cron
node 'webserver' inherits 'base' {
include apache, php, mysql
node 'stack.mydom
I disbelieve that the source of this particular error is on the manifest
level. It may be pluginsync related.
Is this perhaps your only machine with pluginsync=true and that is not
working with your master?
On 02/13/2014 12:19 PM, Rafael Cristaldo wrote:
> so, put here the sit
> I suggest you to remove all the files and directories at
>> /var/lib/puppet/ssl
>> like that:
>> # rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl
> The command I showed in the earlier email should do the same thing:
> [root@beta:~] #find /var/lib/puppet/ssl -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
> But just for th
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:44:01 PM UTC-6, bluethundr wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm getting the following puppet error on only one of my hosts. The rest
> are all producing clean puppet runs. Can anyone please clarify for me the
> meaning of this error and if it's innocuous or not?
> E
I have the same problem.
Looking at the puppet logs on the affected nodes it looks like the puppet
agent will occasionally assume "localhost" as its fqdm and then gives up
when the certs don't match. Maybe it's connected to waking from sleep and
the puppet agent going off before all relevant ne
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:36:31 PM UTC-6, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> Alright, I found the source of my problem, at least I think. The
> puppetmaster includes path to modules based on an environment (staging,
> production, qa) and a global path shared by all environments. The
> deplo
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:14:19 AM UTC-6, Andreas Dvorak wrote:
> Dear all,
> ich habe a defined class, that is called two times in on class but only
> the first call is executed.
> baader::replace {'access notConfigGroup' is done, but not baader::replace
> {'com2sec notConfigUser':
Niels: Thank you for the Arch packages, I'll add them to the README's.
Jose: I'm not sure what you're getting at, what do you understand as
outofsync? Nodes that haven't checked in in a while show up, if that
timeframe is too big for you can modify the settings.
Daniele Sluijters
You r
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:01:40 AM UTC-6, zerozer...@gmail.com
> Hi,
> I'm using tags in resource defaults to define resource ordering inside a
> single class, preventing at the same time dependency cycles with other
> classes, like this:
> class myname::myclass {
> # de
Hello folks
I'm fairly new to puppet/foreman, and I don't quiet understand how to do
one of the most simple things.
I have a puppetmaster and a puppet agent. If I add
# create a directory
file { "/tmp/test342423423":
ensure => "directory",
to the site.pp and do a puppetrun on the m
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:21:30 AM UTC-6, kashif wrote:
> I have written a small custom function to replace '.' to '_' of all
> element of an array and return an converted array.
> module Puppet::Parser::Functions
> newfunction(:convert_vo, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-'ENDOFDOC'
This is the chocolateyInstall.ps1 file, correct? This email may be better
directed towards the chocolatey google group instead as we handle
chocolatey (and the chocolatey puppet provider) questions over there (a
thought for next time - I can cross post this message over there when we
are done).
I have some augeas code that works flawlessly with puppet 2.6.17, but when
running the identical code on 3.4.2, I get an error.
The code:
augeas { 'myuser_in_logingroup':
context => '/files/etc/group',
changes => [ "set ${hostname}/user[last()+1] myuser", ],
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Ryan Anderson wrote:
> I have some augeas code that works flawlessly with puppet 2.6.17, but when
> running the identical code on 3.4.2, I get an error.
> The code:
>augeas { 'myuser_in_logingroup':
> context => '/files/etc/group',
> changes
I got it from the forge.
I don't know how to tell what version of chocolatey I have.
Name of the package is "newrelic_servermonitor".
The package does appear in /lib, even though the software did not install.
UAC is off.
Thanks for the response, I posted in Puppet because it seems to work
Can you share your manifest?
Also would you run puppet agent --test --verbose --debug and post that
output (preferably in a gist / pastebin and then link that here)? Remove
the sensitive information such as the license.
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Jay Benner wrote:
> I got it from the fo
You may need to remove the package folder from c:\chocolatey\lib first.
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Rob Reynolds wrote:
> Can you share your manifest?
> Also would you run puppet agent --test --verbose --debug and post that
> output (preferably in a gist / pastebin and then link that he
You said that just ONE NODE is getting this error..
So, tell us.
What is the SO of this nodes?
Like Felix and Jhon asked, did you configure your node's puppet.conf with
the plyginsync = true parameter?
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"Puppet Users"
The results of the test run:
My manifest:
# Class: newrelic_server_monitor
# This module manages newrelic_server_monitor
class newrelic_server_monitor {
#check installed version and remove if it is older than
$pkg = 'NewRelic_Servermonitor'
Out of sync means that there are configurations in the node that doesn't
meet the configuration it should have. It is useful if you work in noop
mode by default.
I'm the yaml report files when a resource doesn't meet the configuration
established in puppet master it appears as out of sync.
Did you have the package in C:\chocolatey\lib already? It will not attempt
to install if it finds a package with the same name
Also you may want to switch to ensure => latest.
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Jay Benner wrote:
> The results of the test run:
> http://pastebin.com/00msu7VB
I had the same problem, the solution of the problem is in :
Best regards,
Marcelo Frota
2014-02-13 14:23 GMT-02:00 Rob Reynolds :
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Ryan Anderson
> wrote:
I had deleted the entry in /lib.
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2:37:49 PM UTC-8, Jay Benner wrote:
> I have a bunch of windows servers with NewRelic installed on them and I
> want to start managing those installs with Puppet. Seemed like the thing
> to do would be to have chocolatey uninsta
Hi Moses,
I was able to successfully uninstall the previous versions of gem installed
i did reinstall with dmg but and still having puppetd exit with a code of 1.
what am i doing wrong?
here is my updated plist and manifest to start launchctl
Cool. Does this mean I need to update augeas.rb from github.com or wait for
it to make it into a future release? What should I do to fix it now?
In case it helps, here are the problem bits from the debug output:
^[[0;32mInfo: Applying configuration version '1392322307'^[[0m
^[[0;36mDebug: Augeas[
Cool. Does this mean I need to update augeas.rb from github.com or wait for
it to make it into a future release? What should I do to fix it now?
In case it helps, here are the problem bits from the debug output:
^[[0;32mInfo: Applying configuration version '1392322307'^[[0m
^[[0;36mDebug: Augeas[
You also need to uninstall the facter and hiera gems, as they may be
contributing to your issues. Aside from that, what happens if you run
`puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --logdest console`? Does it also
error out? If so, how?
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Rudy McComb wrote:
Hi Daniele,
Thanks for the update in the Readme with the Archlinux Packages.
Would you like to have opensuse/suse support packages as well?
I'm building these on opensuse build
server: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:aboe76
Please do not link from that repository, it's my own rpm b
You should SR it for the OpenSUSE systems:management:puppet repo so its
available along with puppetdb and puppet.
On Feb 13, 2014 5:32 PM, "Niels Abspoel" wrote:
> Hi Daniele,
> Thanks for the update in the Readme with the Archlinux Packages.
> Would you like to have opensuse/suse support pac
Darin no problem, will do
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