On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 05:16:51PM +0300, Nikola Petrov wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to configure a puppet master with a puppetdb for storeconfigs
> backend. I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and the packages from puppetlabs repository.
> The option I chose for the master is to use passanger as I
I have two issues with my puppet.
*1*- When I change the config the service on the agent side implement the
configuration change but the restart/reload gets scheduled and after 15 or
20 minutes it is executed, however the agent time to get conffig from
server is 180 seconds. Followings are
You can skip the second question. But let come back to the first one,
could you tell me where I can find the puppet.conf file in the windows
machine. And would I be able to add run interval in it ???
On Friday, September 20, 2013 6:59:27 PM UTC+2, Rob Reynolds wrote:
> You shoul
i expect the file /tmp/conftest content will be "mymaster" not default "HM"
on node bm ,but fail,anyone can help?
here my init.pp
class hadoop {
require hadoop::params
file { "/tmp/conftest":
ensure => 'file',
content => "$hadoop::params::maste
I am stuck at a very basic issue in my the following exec resource. I am
executing this on windows 2008 R2 server.
When I apply this manifest, puppet always complains saying dcpromo.exe is
not an internal or external command. I exactly appended the path of
dcpromo.exe to the 'path' variable
Hi Harsh,
Refer *exec* and *shell builtins* sections present in the
This might help troubleshooting your problem.
Thanks and Regards,
Rahul Khengare,
NTT DATA OSS Center, Pune, India.
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:20:38 PM UTC+5:30
hi ch Huang,
Here in this case you have to use parameterised class concept. Refer
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/parameterized_classes.html for
parameterised classes concept.
You can restructure your manifests to solve your issue.
Refer following manifests,
*init.pp file*
here we pass th
1st issue :
From the logs, it is clear that there are 2 events which triggers *
*Means there are 2 files which triggers *Service[nginx] *and when the 2nd
file configuration changes are completed, it restart the service.
So it may be possible that the second file takes 15-20
On 09/24/2013 10:02 AM, AAB !! wrote:
> *Finished catalog run in 1089.33 seconds*
This is excessive. I advise to try and cut down your catalog run time.
What's taking your agent so long? Is your master swamped?
The --evaltrace switch to the agent can be helpful in locating time wasters.
> *2*- A
On Windows 7 and Windows 8, Puppet’s confdir is
%PROGRAMDATA%\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc. This is usually located on disk at
Please refer link : http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/configuring.html
You can add run interval in it.
Follow the link : http://docs.
Thanks for reply !
Could you/anyone tell me if a file gets deleted on the puppet master why
does it still appear on the puppet agent, only this delete operation
doesn't seems be executing !!
Any ideas ?
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:02:44 AM UTC+2, AAB !! wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two issues
On Monday, September 23, 2013 2:58:30 PM UTC-5, Forrie wrote:
> If Puppet were to manage /home/something, an NFS mount, and ensure it's
> mounted... it would automatically look to see if both /home and / were also
> mounted?
No. Puppet manages only the resources you tell it to manage. I
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013, Harsh Desai wrote:
> Hi
> I am stuck at a very basic issue in my the following exec resource. I am
> executing this on windows 2008 R2 server.
> When I apply this manifest, puppet always complains saying dcpromo.exe is
> not an internal or external command. I ex
On Monday, September 23, 2013 7:15:32 PM UTC-5, Forrie wrote:
> I've been playing around with this code and have encountered several
> errors. As noted below, there is going to be an issue with /home;
> however, I thought I could get around that by declaring that /first/, which
> won't wor
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 1:21:29 AM UTC-5, ch huang wrote:
> i expect the file /tmp/conftest content will be "mymaster" not default
> "HM" on node bm ,but fail,anyone can help?
You cannot assign values to non-local variables. Even if you could, you
would not get your desired result
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 7:14:52 AM UTC-5, Rahul Khengare wrote:
> hi ch Huang,
>Here in this case you have to use parameterised class concept. Refer
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/parameterized_classes.html for
> parameterised classes concept.
> You can restructure your manif
Thanks a lot for your answer but i don't know configure it with no
package...actually my configuration is this :
class fusioninventory-agent::redhat {
package { "fusioninventory-agent": ensure => latest}
#exec { 'fusioninventory-agent':
# command => 'yum -y install fusioninventory-agent --ena
I've decided to not be blocked by this issue and to have puppet manage the
config file. It's not an ideal solution, but good enough until I learn
more about either augeas or inifile.
On Monday, September 23, 2013 3:48:05 PM UTC-7, Greg Coit wrote:
> Nathan,
> Thanks for the response -
LOL - or I could just use one of the 2 vsftpd modules on puppetforge... I
never *intend* to do things the hard way. :)
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:32:53 AM UTC-7, Greg Coit wrote:
> I've decided to not be blocked by this issue and to have puppet manage the
> config file. It's no
Greg Coit [24.09.2013 00:48]:
> BTW, still playing with augeas too - the most recent code is:
> augeas { 'vsftpd.conf':
> context => '/files/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf',
shouldn't this be '/files/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf'?
Just a guess from a novice...
You rec
Hi ,
you can try this,
class fusioninventory-agent::redhat {
# if you know the latest version of fusioninventory-agent, directly specify
the version in the Exec command
exec { 'fusioninventory-agent':
command => 'yum -y install fusioninventory-agent-2.3.2 --enablerepo=epel',
path => '/us
Try this and see, It might help.
0) Stop puppetdb
1) remove PuppetDB's SSL directory entirely (usually /etc/puppetdb/ssl)
2) make sure that the agent on the puppetdb machine can run successfully
against the master (puppet agent --test, sounds like you've already done
3) Run
I just recently replaced the ActiveRecord storeconfigs with PuppetDB
(1.4.0)and i am working through the various configurations. I only have 14
nodes that are being managed and i have hitting the default limit for the
resource-query-limit. I can remedy it by setting it to 5, but i would
Nothing in the logs. But there were two problems:
1. I needed to disable the Apache VHOST file for Puppet Dashboard, then
Puppet Master was able to work
2. A silly mistake a manifest caused a recursive loop in a manifest that
was used in the majority of our node types. Figured that out by lookin
I got many classes, using the well known template ...
ensure => XXX
notify => service
require => package
notify => service
require => File, Package
... with ensure value XXX set to 'latest'.
This implies that package could be updat
I just use "ensure => present"
I manage versions with yum (Red Hat Enterprise 5)
But puppet does manage my yum repository configuration.
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in
the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calv
I need to upgrade a package, but it's later versions are packaged
differently, can I do something like
package { "zabbix-agent.1.8.15":
ensure => absent
some repo ensured present...
package {"zabbix-agent, zabbix-sender, zabbix-get":
ensure => latest
The problem is that a prior repo
I guess I'm confused at why aptitude would remove php5-memcache in order to
upgrade php5-common. Or if it really needed to do that, shouldn't it be
smart enough to automatically install the upgraded version? I confess I'm
more familiar with RedHat/CentOS, and Yum is smart enough to handle
I'm confused at your snippets because they don't seem right. For instance,
you show:
#log_special::log_vars: "test"
But that doesn't look syntactically correct... I'm pretty sure that would
fail to compile.
Anyway, I think if this really is what your yaml looks like:
I haven't heard of any libraries for parsing or building puppet resources.
But the syntax check should be fairly trivial - you can use the "puppet
parser validate " command. It's fairly common practice to set up a
pre-commit hook script to run that against all files modified in a git
repo, for inst
Hmm. Perhaps you could have something like this (assuming your fact is
called $jdk_version):
package { 'jdk':
ensure => latest,
if ($::jdk_version) {
file { '/usr/java/jdk':
ensure => link,
target => "/usr/java/${::jdk_version}",
require => Package['jdk'],
} else {
Make sure you have set "pluginsync = true" in your puppet.conf.
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Eduardo Terzella wrote:
> Good evening, folks.
> Using the module's puppet forge to create a database I get an error below.
> Could you help me?
> *puppetlabs-mysql (v1.0.0) *
> *class mysq
Add purge => true in your file resouce.
You can try this :->
file {"/etc/nginx/":
source => "puppet:///files/nginx/nginx/",
ensure => "directory",
recurse => true,
purge => true,
require => Package['nginx'],
This will manage the deletion of files on client if you delete file on
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