> The correct link is http://www.example42.com
> Before there was a redirect to http://www.example42.com:811 that it
> doesn't work if you are behind a proxy.
Or a firewall that doesn't allow outbound connections to arbitrary ports.
> I've finally placed a reverse proxy to avoid such a problem.
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 5:04 PM, windowsrefund wrote:
> 0.25.1 installed via gem on opensolaris 2009.06
> I only see this error when my puppet master is set up to use mongrel
> r...@puppet:~# puppetd --test
> info: Retrieving plugin
> err: /File[/var/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional
Both the client and server are running opensolaris 2009.06
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