>> I'm having trouble getting a simple custom type to work.
>> Clients are giving me the following error:
>> "Could not retrieve catalog: Could not find resource type zypper_repo
>> at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/mgt.pp:33 on node "
I'm experiencing the same problem with a custom type in
I have an exec command that executed successfully, but when checking the
processes it did not run the command.
179 exec { "sh /mnt/oracle-installation/database/runInstaller -silent
-ignoreDiskWarning -responsefile
> I have an exec command that executed successfully, but when checking the
> processes it did not run the command.
version etc?
If puppet tells you that the exec ran successfully the cmd exited with
exit code 0.
cheers pete
You received t
Hello there,
I would like to automatize my snmpd.conf with all local disks discovered by
For example, in my template : snmpd.erb I have :
syslocation "<%= syslocation %>"
syscontact "ITadmin "
rocommunity cfmpublic
sysservices 78
# Monitoring des partition
disk / 2000
If you really want all disks 2000 then net-snmp's "includeAllDisks 2000"
might do for you.
Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
> Hello there,
> I would like to automatize my snmpd.conf with all local disks discovered
> by puppet.
> For example, in my template : snmpd.erb I have :
> --//-
Yes, it did return exit 0, that's why it's weird
Peter Meier wrote:
>> I have an exec command that executed successfully, but when checking the
>> processes it did not run the command.
> version etc?
> If puppet tells you that the exec ran successfully the cmd exited with
> exit code 0.
Hash: SHA1
Puppet 0.25.1 Release Candidate 2 is now available for testing.
This is the second release candidate for 0.25.1. The 0.25.1 release
is a maintenance release in the 0.25.x branch.
The release candidate is available at:
Are you experiencing an error? Have you tested?
James Turnbull
Author of:
* Pro Linux Systems Administration (http://tinyurl.com/linuxadmin)
* Pulling Strings with Puppet (http://tinyurl.com/pupbook)
* Pro Nagios 2.0 (http://tinyurl.com/pronagios)
* Hardening Linux (http://tinyurl.