> Puppet hasn't been released for Ubuntu 14.04 yet. There were some
> dependency updates for the puppet package that are needed for Trusty
> that haven't been released yet. The commit with the fix
> (
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/b6514b8dfe92a1e66c086fe1f45e5e7261bd45fb)
Great, thanks for letting us know
On Monday, April 21, 2014 1:09:31 PM UTC-4, Matthaus Litteken wrote:
> Puppet hasn't been released for Ubuntu 14.04 yet. There were some
> dependency updates for the puppet package that are needed for Trusty
> that haven't been released yet. The commit with th
Puppet hasn't been released for Ubuntu 14.04 yet. There were some
dependency updates for the puppet package that are needed for Trusty
that haven't been released yet. The commit with the fix
should be released in
I was trying out ubuntu trusty over the weekend and am having some trouble
installing puppet 3.5.1 from the puppetlabs repo.
I've tried adding the repo and searching for the package, but no luck:
cd /tmp && wget -N https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
&& sudo dpkg -