Is there a way to monitor puppet runs with zabbix?
Here is what i want to monitor:
- a host's puppet run is more than 20 minutes ago
- a puppet run fails
I have searched through the internet, but I only found solutions which
works with zabbix-sender and my colleagues do not want to insta
Sukh Khehra wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering what people out there are doing to monitor puppetd in
> large environments. I’d love to hear what the best practices are
> around this.
> We have a few hundred hosts and are currently looking at the
> timestamps on the yaml files in /var/lib/puppe
I use foreman dashboard and summarized emails. I have a runinterval of 2
hours. So, if any host has not reported for more than 2 hours. Then that is
a warning sign, time to fire up SSH. :)
Also, zenoss is configured to monitor some of the services. But, right now
it is not monitoring puppetd.
Sukh Khehra wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering what people out there are doing to monitor puppetd in
> large environments. I’d love to hear what the best practices are around
> this.
Other options are Splunk or something similar for syslog checking, Nagios
w/nrpe, etc.
I use foreman dashboard* :)
it provides me an overview of all hosts in their latest status - e.g. all
OK, Active(puppet did something), Error (puppet reported an error, or out of
sync (puppet is not running).
and of course you can get the host list when you click on each of the
I was wondering what people out there are doing to monitor puppetd in
large environments. I'd love to hear what the best practices are around
We have a few hundred hosts and are currently looking at the timestamps
on the yaml files in /var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts/ on puppetmasters t